Welcome to the Amira-Avizo Software Use Case Gallery

Below you will find a collection of use cases of our 3D data visualization and analysis software. These use cases include scientific publications, articles, papers, posters, presentations or even videos that show how Amira-Avizo Software is used to address various scientific and industrial research topics.

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Imaging multicellular specimens with real-time optimized tiling light-sheet selective plane illumination microscopy

Imaging multicellular specimens with real-time optimized tiling light-sheet selective plane illumination microscopy

Despite the progress made in selective plane illumination microscopy, high-resolution 3D live imaging of multicellular specimens remains challenging. Tiling light-sheet selective plane illumination microscopy (TLS-SPIM) with real-time light-sheet optimization was developed to respond to the challenge…

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Qinyi Fu, Benjamin L. Martin, David Q. Matus, Liang Gao

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Reversible silencing of lumbar spinal interneurons unmasks a task-specific network for securing hindlimb alternation

Reversible silencing of lumbar spinal interneurons unmasks a task-specific network for securing hindlimb alternation

Neural circuitry in the lumbar spinal cord governs two principal features of locomotion, rhythm and pattern, which reflect intra- and interlimb movement. These features are functionally organized into a hierarchy that precisely controls stepping in a stereotypic, speed-dependent fashion. Here, we show that a specific component of the locomotor pattern can be independently manipulated…

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Amanda M. Pocratsky, Darlene A. Burke, Johnny R. Morehouse, Jason E. Beare, Amberly S. Riegler, Pantelis Tsoulfas, Gregory J. R. States, Scott R. Whittemore & David S. K. Magnuson

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Severe hearing loss and outer hair cell death in homozygous Foxo3 knockout mice after moderate noise exposure

Severe hearing loss and outer hair cell death in homozygous Foxo3 knockout mice after moderate noise exposure

Noise induced hearing loss (NIHL) is a disease that affects millions of Americans. Identifying genetic pathways that influence recovery from noise exposure is an important step forward in understanding NIHL. The transcription factor Foxo3 integrates the cellular response to oxidative stress and plays a role in extending lifespan in many organisms, including humans. Here we show that Foxo3 is required for auditory function after noise exposure in a mouse model system, measured by ABR…Read more

Felicia Gilels, Stephen T. Paquette, Holly J. Beaulac, Anwen Bullen & Patricia M. White

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Cytoplasmic and Nuclear Retained DMPK mRNAs Are Targets for RNA Interference in Myotonic Dystrophy Cells

Cytoplasmic and Nuclear Retained DMPK mRNAs Are Targets for RNA Interference in Myotonic Dystrophy Cells

This paper demonstrates for the first time down-regulation of the endogenous nuclear retained mutant DMPK mRNAs targeted with lentivirus-delivered short hairpin RNAs (shRNAs). This nuclear RNAi(-like) phenomenon was not observed when synthetic siRNAs were delivered by cationic lipids, suggesting either a link between processing of the shRNA and nuclear import or a separate pathway for processing shRNAs in the nuclei.

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Marc-André Langlois,  Christelle Boniface,  Gang Wang,  Jessica Alluin, Paul M. Salvaterra,  Jack Puymirat,  John J. Rossi, Nan Sook Lee

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Human liver segments: role of cryptic liver lobes and vascular physiology in the development of liver veins and left-right asymmetry

Human liver segments: role of cryptic liver lobes and vascular physiology in the development of liver veins and left-right asymmetry

Couinaud based his well-known subdivision of the liver into (surgical) segments on the branching order of portal veins and the location of hepatic veins. However, both segment boundaries and number remain controversial due to an incomplete understanding of the role of liver lobes and vascular physiology on hepatic venous development. Human embryonic livers (5–10 weeks of development) were visualized with Amira 3D-reconstruction and Cinema 4D-remodeling software.

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Jill P. J. M. Hikspoors, Mathijs M. J. P. Peeters, Nutmethee Kruepunga, Hayelom K. Mekonen, Greet M. C. Mommen, S. Eleonore Köhler & Wouter H. Lamers

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Utilization of longitudinal ultrasound to quantify joint soft-tissue changes in a mouse model of posttraumatic osteoarthritis

Utilization of longitudinal ultrasound to quantify joint soft-tissue changes in a mouse model of posttraumatic osteoarthritis

Ultrasound could be a fast and cost-effective means of assessing joint changes in mouse models of posttraumatic osteoarthritis (PTOA). Such models are essential for understanding the biology of this degenerative joint disease and developing new treatments, but noninvasive methods of evaluating disease activity are lacking. Because ultrasound can visualize both joint space volumes and blood flow in the joints, it could provide an alternative to microscopic examination of tissue, assuming it ac... Read more

Hao Xu, Echoe M Bouta, Ronald W Wood, Edward M Schwarz, Yongjun Wang & Lianping Xing

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Tortuosity in electrochemical devices: a review of calculation approaches

Tortuosity in electrochemical devices: a review of calculation approaches

Here, a review of tortuosity calculation procedures applied in the field of electrochemical devices is presented to better understand the resulting values presented in the literature. Visible differences between calculation methods are observed, especially when using porosity–tortuosity relationships and when comparing geometric and flux-based tortuosity calculation approaches.

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Bernhard Tjaden, Dan J. L. Brett, Paul R. Shearing

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A multi-scale correlative investigation of ductile fracture

A multi-scale correlative investigation of ductile fracture

The use of novel multi-scale correlative methods, which involve the coordinated characterization of matter across a range of length scales, are becoming of increasing value to materials scientists. Here, we describe for the first time how a multi-scale correlative approach can be used to investigate the nature of ductile fracture in metals. Specimens of a nuclear pressure vessel steel, SA508 Grade 3, are examined following ductile fracture using medium and high-resolution 3D X-ray computed to... Read more

School of Materials, University of Manchester; National Nuclear Laboratory; BAM Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing; Thermo Fischer Scientific

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Hydraulic properties of porous sintered glass bead systems

Hydraulic properties of porous sintered glass bead systems

In this paper, porous sintered glass bead packings are studied, using X-ray Computed Tomography (XRCT) images at 16μm16μm voxel resolution, to obtain not only the porosity field, but also other properties like particle sizes, pore throats and the permeability. The influence of the sintering procedure and the original particle size distributions on the microstructure, and thus on the hydraulic properties, is analyzed in detail. The XRCT data are visualized and studied by advanced image fil... Read more

University of Twente, Enschede | Ruhr-University Bochum; Eindhoven University of Technology | Helmholtz Institute Erlangen-Nürnberg for Renewable Energy | University of Stuttgart

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X-ray computed tomography of packed bed chromatography columns for three dimensional imaging and analysis

X-ray computed tomography of packed bed chromatography columns for three dimensional imaging and analysis

Physical characteristics critical to chromatography including geometric porosity and tortuosity within the packed column were analysed based upon three dimensional reconstructions of bed structure in-situ. Image acquisition was performed using two X-ray computed tomography systems, with optimisation of column imaging performed for each sample in order to produce three dimensional representations of packed beds at 3 μm resolution.

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Department of Biochemical Engineering, University College London | Pall Life Sciences, Portsmouth | Electrochemical Innovation Lab, Department of Chemical Engineering, University College London

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Evolutionary radiation of earless frogs in the Andes: molecular phylogenetics and habitat shifts in high-elevation terrestrial breeding frogs

Evolutionary radiation of earless frogs in the Andes: molecular phylogenetics and habitat shifts in high-elevation terrestrial breeding frogs

The loss of hearing structures and loss of advertisement calls in many terrestrial breeding frogs (Strabomantidae) living at high elevations in South America are common and intriguing phenomena. The Andean frog genus Phrynopus Peters, 1873 has undergone an evolutionary radiation in which most species lack the tympanic membrane and tympanic annulus, yet the phylogenetic relationships among species in this group remain largely unknown. Here, we present an expanded molecular phylogeny o... Read more

May R, Lehr E, Rabosky DL. PeerJ 6:e4313

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The NOVA project: maximizing beam time efficiency through synergistic analyses of SRµCT data

The NOVA project: maximizing beam time efficiency through synergistic analyses of SRµCT data

Beamtime and resulting SRμCT data are a valuable resource for researchers of a broad scientific community in life sciences. Most research groups, however, are only interested in a specific organ and use only a fraction of their data. The rest of the data usually remains untapped. By using a new collaborative approach, the NOVA project (Network for Online Visualization and synergistic Analysis of tomographic data) aims to demonstrate, that more efficient use of the valuable beam time is possi... Read more

The international society for optics and photonics (SPIE)

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L4iS uses Avizo software to analyze 3D images from laser ablation tomography

L4iS uses Avizo software to analyze 3D images from laser ablation tomography

Lasers for Innovative Solutions, LLC (L4iS) is developing a new class of tomography technology with the aim of allowing material characterization in three dimensions with sub-micron resolution. The method uses a nanosecond, Q-switched, pulsed ultraviolet laser coupled with high-resolution imaging to generate highly detailed specimen models. Using this system, sequential images similar to light-sheet fluorescence microscopy are used to digitally reconstruct the specimen.

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Brian Reinhardt and Benjamin Hall, L4iS (USA)

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FAMU uses Avizo software to visualize and understand heat transfer and fluid flow

FAMU uses Avizo software to visualize and understand heat transfer and fluid flow

The CHEFF (Computational Heat Fluid Flow) Research group at Florida Agricultural & Mechanical University is using computational fluid dynamics to model flow and heat transfer in various engineering applications for industry, government and the private sector. The primary goal of this research is to first examine and then enhance the thermal performance of current and future low-density reticulated porous media, and explore their use as heat sinks in high power electronics (computer chips... Read more

CHEFF Research Group at Florida Agricultural & Mechanical University: Dr. G.D. Wesson, Professor of Chemical Engineering/Biological Agricultural Systems Engineering, Shawn Austin (Graduate student), Shari Briggs (Graduate student), Mellissa McCole (Graduate student), David Mosley (Graduate student)

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University of Glasgow uses Amira software to analyze vascular structures

University of Glasgow uses Amira software to analyze vascular structures

The vascular (arterial or venous) wall is a fascinating structure. At the simplest level, we can think of the wall as being composed of three distinct, but interacting, layers . The vascular wall changes its structure in conditions such as hypertension which can cause a thickening of the wall. Unfortunately, the details of this ‘remodeling’ process are poorly understood.

Therefore, studying the 3D architecture may provide vital clues for future therapeutic targets.

R... Read more

Dr. Craig J Daly, School of Life Sciences, College of Medical Veterinary & Life Sciences, University of Glasgow

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KTH Royal Institute of Technology uses Avizo software to visualize and characterize the internal structure of civil engineering materials

KTH Royal Institute of Technology uses Avizo software to visualize and characterize the internal structure of civil engineering materials

The Division of Highway and Railway Engineering, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) promotes advances in computational and experimental science in order to develop new materials, tools and systems for improved mobility, transportation safety and infrastructure durability. The group works on analysis and performance-based design of roads and tracks, management as well as operation and maintenance of roads.

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Denis Jelagin, Alvaro Guarin, Ibrahim Onifade, Nicole Kringos, and Bjorn Birgisson (KTH)

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SIK-ISEA uses Avizo software to understand 19th century painting techniques

SIK-ISEA uses Avizo software to understand 19th century painting techniques

The characterization of the porosity of ground layers in easel paintings: a first step towards understanding its role in water uptake, reactivity and material transport in 19th and early 20th century paintings. The Swiss Institute for Art Research (SIK-ISEA) is studying the studio practice of Swiss painters of the late 19th early 20th century, the materials they used for their paintings, and the deterioration processes the paintings undergo as they age.

Amongst other issues this study... Read more


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University of Washington researchers use Amira software towards aiding the pathology of pancreatic cancer

University of Washington researchers use Amira software towards aiding the pathology of pancreatic cancer

For nearly 100 years, pathology for cancer diagnosis has involved a standard, but complex series of steps to process tissue biopsies procured from a patient in the clinic. Many procedures are a direct result of the fact that observation and evaluation of specimens by pathologists occur using a standard microscope (in 2D).

In 2014, the Human Photonics Laboratory at the University of Washington demonstrated that the rudimentary operations of a pathology laboratory may be replicated on wh... Read more

Ronnie Das, PhD and Eric J. Seibel, PhD

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The Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS) uses Avizo to visualize and analyze scientific and industrial 3D data acquired with their X-Ray Imaging Beamline (IMX)

The Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS) uses Avizo to visualize and analyze scientific and industrial 3D data acquired with their X-Ray Imaging Beamline (IMX)

The imaging beamline, IMX, at LNLS extracts synchrotron radiation from bending magnet D6 with magnetic field of 1.67 T and bending radius of 2.736 m. It has an electron source size of 391 Read more

Brazilian Synchotron Light Laboratory

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The London Centre for Nanotechnology uses Avizo Software to reveal structure of human chromosomes and nucleus in 3D

The London Centre for Nanotechnology uses Avizo Software to reveal structure of human chromosomes and nucleus in 3D

A team led by London Centre for Nanotechnology researchers, Prof. Ian Robinson and Dr. Bo Chen (now a professor at the Tongji University, Shanghai) used newly-developed serial block-face scanning electron microscopy (SBFSEM) and Thermo Scientific™ Avizo® Software, one dominant tool in 3D reconstructed image processing, to reveal the spatial structure of human chromosomes and nucleus quantitatively at high resolution of approximately 50 nm in three dimensions.

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Prof. Ian Robinson, Dr. Bo Chen, London Centre for Nechnology, UCL and Tongji University

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The Academic Medical Center (AMC) uses Amira to build a 3D Atlas for Human Embryology

The Academic Medical Center (AMC) uses Amira to build a 3D Atlas for Human Embryology

The 3D Atlas of Human Embryology project was funded by the Academic Medical Center (AMC) in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, in 2009. Since then, over 75 students, under the supervision of embryologists of the Department of Anatomy, Embryology & Physiology, have contributed to this labor-int... Read more

Academic Medical Center

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