Welcome to the Amira-Avizo Software Use Case Gallery

Below you will find a collection of use cases of our 3D data visualization and analysis software. These use cases include scientific publications, articles, papers, posters, presentations or even videos that show how Amira-Avizo Software is used to address various scientific and industrial research topics.

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Advanced multi-scale characterization of loess microstructure: Integrating μXCT and FIB-SEM for detailed fabric analysis and geotechnical implications

Advanced multi-scale characterization of loess microstructure: Integrating μXCT and FIB-SEM for detailed fabric analysis and geotechnical implications

3D loess microstructure of loess, including skeleton particles as well as inter-particle bonding structures, was characterized through a correlative approach using μXCT and FIB-SEM

Loess, a Quaternary wind-blown deposit, is a problem soil that gives rise to frequent geohazards such as landslides and water-induced subsidence. The behavior of loess is controlled by its microstructure, consisting of silt sized
skeleton particles and complex bonding structures formed by clay-sized p... Read more

B. Yu, T.A. Dijkstra, W. Fan, I.J. Smalley, Y.N. Wei, L.S. Deng

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Continuum damage micromechanics description of the compressive failure mechanisms in sustainable biocomposites and experimental validation

Continuum damage micromechanics description of the compressive failure mechanisms in sustainable biocomposites and experimental validation

In this study, the researchers investigated the compressive failure mechanisms in flax fiber composites, a promising eco-friendly alternative to synthetic composite materials, through both numerical simulations and experimental analysis. They examined the reasons behind the low compressive strength in comparison to tensile strength, focusing on the compressive-to-tensile strength ratio. A novel thermodynamically consistent continuum damage micromechanics model was introduced to capture the ev... Read more

Vedad Tojaga, Alexandros Prapavesis, Jonas Faleskog, T. Christian Gasser, Aart W. van Vuure, Sören Östlund

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A statistical assessment of ductile damage in 304L stainless steel resolved using X-ray computed tomography

A statistical assessment of ductile damage in 304L stainless steel resolved using X-ray computed tomography

X-ray computed tomography (XCT) has been shown to reveal the true extent of ductile damage below the fracture surface of failed test specimens, which is often significantly underestimated when probed using 2D serial sectioning techniques and a microscope, since a single plane of material may only exhibit only a handful of resolvable voids.

In contrast XCT offers the capability to generate large datasets consisting of hundreds, if not thousands, of individually resolvable voids, where e... Read more

A. J. Cooper ; O. C. G. Tuck ; T. L. Burnett ; A. H. Sherry

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Structure from Motion Photogrammetry and Micro X-Ray Computed Tomography 3-D Reconstruction Data Fusion for Non-Destructive Conservation Documentation of Lunar Samples

Structure from Motion Photogrammetry and Micro X-Ray Computed Tomography 3-D Reconstruction Data Fusion for Non-Destructive Conservation Documentation of Lunar Samples

Our team is developing a modern, cross-disciplinary approach to documentation and preservation of astromaterials, specifically lunar and meteorite samples stored at the Johnson Space Center (JSC) Lunar Sample Laboratory Facility.

Apollo Lunar Sample 60639, collected as part of rake sample 60610 during the 3rd Extra-Vehicular Activity of the Apollo 16 mission in 1972, served as the first NASA preserved lunar sample to be examined by our team in the development of a novel approach to int... Read more

K.R. Beaulieu , E.H. Blumenfeld , D.A. Liddle , E.R. Oshel , C.A. Evans , R.A. Zeigler , K. Righter , R.D. Hanna , R.A. Ketcham

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Phase-contrast and dark-field imaging for the inspection of resin-rich areas and fiber orientation in non-crimp vacuum infusion carbon-fiber-reinforced polymers

Phase-contrast and dark-field imaging for the inspection of resin-rich areas and fiber orientation in non-crimp vacuum infusion carbon-fiber-reinforced polymers

The high strength at moderate weight in combination with superior corrosion and fatigue properties makes carbon-fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP) an attractive material for lightweight applications in aerospace. Nonetheless, besides several benefits, CFRP components also bear significant risks like a low resistance to impact damage. […] In this work, we present a multimodal approach to three-dimensionally quantify and visualize fiber orientation and resin-rich areas in carbon-fiber-reinf... Read more

Jonathan Glinz, Jan Šleichrt, Daniel Kytýř, Santhosh Ayalur-Karunakaran, Simon Zabler, Johann Kastner & Sascha Senck

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The Spontaneous Emulsification of Entrained Inclusions During Casting of High Aluminum Steels

The Spontaneous Emulsification of Entrained Inclusions During Casting of High Aluminum Steels

The cleanliness of liquid steel is defined by the amounts of dissolved unwanted impurities and precipitated unwanted non-metallic phases.[…] Improving the cleanliness of the steel would mean a lower fraction of impurities in the final product. […] A novel approach, utilizing controlled synthetic inclusion/metal samples, has been developed to study the reactions between free inclusion-slag droplets and steel. The technique combines High-Temperature Confocal Scanning Laser Microscop... Read more

Akalya Raviraj, Nadia Kourra, Mark A. Williams, Gert Abbel, Claire Davis, Wouter Tiekink, Seetharaman Sridhar & Stephen Spooner

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Hot-wire arc additive manufacturing of aluminum alloy with reduced porosity and high deposition rate

Hot-wire arc additive manufacturing of aluminum alloy with reduced porosity and high deposition rate

Wire arc additive manufacturing (WAAM) technology has attracted considerable interest in large-scale metallic components, but porosity and low deposition rate are the two dominating technical challenges in WAAM of aluminum alloy. In order to effectively solve these problems, a novel method of hot-wire arc additive manufacturing is used to fabricate aluminum alloy. Systematic studies are carried out to investigate the formation mechanism of the pores, the macro/microstructures, as well as the ... Read more

Rui Fu, Shuiyuan Tang, Jiping Lu, Yinan Cui, Zixiang Li, Haoru Zhang, Tianqiu Xu, Zhuo Chen, Changmeng Liu

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Porosity and Structure of Hierarchically Porous Ni/Al2O3 Catalysts for CO2 Methanation

Porosity and Structure of Hierarchically Porous Ni/Al2O3 Catalysts for CO2 Methanation

Carbon dioxide emissions must be reduced significantly to limit the negative consequences of climate change. For this reason, fossil fuels must be replaced by renewable energy sources. However, wind and solar energy, for example, are sporadic sources and, thus, not inevitably available when needed. This results in periods of energy surplus and shortage, which are not necessarily predictable. Hence, energy storage concepts are required to compensate for these fluctuations, thereby retaining en... Read more

Sebastian Weber, Ken L. Abel, Ronny T. Zimmermann, Xiaohui Huang, Jens Bremer, Liisa K. Rihko-Struckmann, Darren Batey, Silvia Cipiccia, Juliane Titus, David Poppitz, Christian Kübel, Kai Sundmacher, Roger Gläser, Thomas L. Sheppard

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Defect structure process maps for laser powder bed fusion additive manufacturing

Defect structure process maps for laser powder bed fusion additive manufacturing

Accurate detection, characterization, and prediction of defects has great potential for immediate impact in the production of fully-dense and defect free metal additive manufacturing (AM) builds. Accordingly, this paper presents Defect Structure Process Maps (DSPMs) as a means of quantifying the role of porosity as an exemplary defect structure in powder bed printed materials. Synchrotron-based micro-computed tomography (μSXCT) was used to demonstrate that metal AM defects follow predictable... Read more

Jerard V.Gordon, Sneha P.Narra, Ross W.Cunningham, He Liu, Hangman Chen, Robert M.Suter, Jack L.Beuth, Anthony D.Rollett

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3D characterisation of dry powder inhaler formulations

3D characterisation of dry powder inhaler formulations

Carrier-based dry powder inhaler (DPI) formulations need to be accurately characterised for their particle size distributions, surface roughnesses, fines contents and flow properties. Understanding the micro-structure of the powder formulation is crucial, yet current characterisation methods give incomplete information. Commonly used techniques like laser diffraction (LD) and optical microscopy (OM) are limited due to the assumption of sphericity and can give variable results depending on par... Read more

P. Gajjar, I.D. Styliari, T.T.H. Nguyen, J. Carr, X. Chen, J.A. Elliott, R.B. Hammond, T.L. Burnett, K. Roberts, P.J. Withers, D.Murnane

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Microstructure Characterization by X-Ray Computed Tomography of C/C-SiC Ceramic Composites Fabricated with Different Carbon Fiber Architectures

Microstructure Characterization by X-Ray Computed Tomography of C/C-SiC Ceramic Composites Fabricated with Different Carbon Fiber Architectures

The microstructure morphologies have been characterized by high resolution laboratory X-ray computed tomography in Carbon Fiber Reinforced Carbon and Silicon Carbide (C/C-SiC) ceramic composites fabricated by Gaseous Silicon Infiltration (GSI) from C/C preforms of three different architectures: 3D stitched cloth fabric; 3D orthogonal woven fabric; and needled short-cut felt. Each composites’ microstructure was influenced by the structure of the C/C preform. By incorporating tomography with ... Read more

Fan Wan, Talha, J. Pirzada, Rongjun Liu, Yanfei Wang, Changrui Zhang, Thomas James Marrow

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Characterization of 3D fracture evolution in concrete using in-situ X-Ray Computed Tomography testing and Digital Volume Correlation

Characterization of 3D fracture evolution in concrete using in-situ X-Ray Computed Tomography testing and Digital Volume Correlation

X-ray Computed Tomography (XCT) is a powerful technology that can accurately image the internal structures of composite and heterogeneous materials in three-dimensions (3D). In this study, in-situ micro XCT tests of concrete specimens under progressive compressive loading are carried out. The aim of the observations is to gain a better understanding of 3D fracture and failure mechanisms at the meso-scale. To characterise the fracture evolution as the deformation increases, two methods are use... Read more

College of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Zhejiang University | School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering, the University of Manchester | Manchester X-ray Imaging Facility | Oxford Martin School and Department of Materials

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Three-Dimensional In Situ XCT Characterisation and FE Modelling of Cracking in Concrete

Three-Dimensional In Situ XCT Characterisation and FE Modelling of Cracking in Concrete

An improved understanding of 3D cracking in concrete can be achieved by multiscale experiments and numerical modelling based on realistic microstructures, for the development of materials with higher strength, durability, and fracture resistance.

Three-dimensional (3D) characterisation and modelling of cracking in concrete have been always of great importance and interest in civil engineering. In this study, an in situ microscale X-ray computed tomography (XCT) test was carried out to ... Read more

Wenyuan Ren, Zhenjun Yang, Rajneesh Sharma, Samuel A. McDonald, Paul M. Mummery

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The Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC) uses Avizo to quantify potential defects in additively manufactured samples

The Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC) uses Avizo to quantify potential defects in additively manufactured samples

Electron Beam Melting (EBM) is an Additive Manufacturing (AM) process which can be used to fabricate complex 3D metal components. Ti-6Al-4V is one of the high value aerospace materials that has been widely used in the EBM process. However, defects such as gas pores and lack of fusion are often found in the as-built components, which can make a significant difference to the fatigue resistance of the parts. The Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC) uses X-ray Computed Tomography (XCT) and 3D im... Read more

Dr Shuai Hou, Mélanie Bombardiere, Nathanael Turner, Jonathan Settle, Emmanuel Muzangaza, Dr David Brackett

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Laser-matter interactions in additive manufacturing of SS316L and 13-93 bioactive glass revealed by in situ X-ray imaging

Laser-matter interactions in additive manufacturing of SS316L and 13-93 bioactive glass revealed by in situ X-ray imaging

Laser-matter interactions in laser additive manufacturing (LAM) occur on short time scales (10-6 – 10-3 s) and have traditionally proven difficult to characterise. We investigate these interactions during LAM of stainless steel (SS316 L) and 13-93 bioactive glass powders using a custom built LAM process replicator (LAMPR) with in situ and operando synchrotron X-ray radiography. This reveals a range of melt track solidification phenomena as... Read more

Chu Lun Alex Leung, Sebastian Marussi, Michael Towrie, Jesus del Val Garcia, Robert C. Atwood, Andrew J. Bodey, Julian R. Jones, Philip J. Withers, Peter D.Lee

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Ptychographic X-ray CT characterization of the osteocyte lacuno-canalicular network in a male rat's glucocorticoid induced osteoporosis model

Ptychographic X-ray CT characterization of the osteocyte lacuno-canalicular network in a male rat's glucocorticoid induced osteoporosis model

Ptychographic X-ray computed tomography (PXCT) is a quantitative imaging modality that non-destructively maps the 3D electron density inside an object with tens of nanometers spatial resolution. This method provides unique access to the morphology and structure of the osteocyte lacuno-canalicular network (LCN) and nanoscale density of the tissue in the vicinity of an osteocyte lacuna.  Our findings indicate that PXCT can non-destructively provide detailed, nanoscale information on the 3D org... Read more

Antonia Ciani, Hechmi Toumi, Stéphane Pallu, Esther H.R.Tsai, Ana Diaz, Manuel Guizar-Sicairos, Mirko Holler, Eric Lespessailles, Cameron M.Kewish | Synchrotron Soleil, France

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4D multi-scale imaging of reactive flow in carbonates: Assessing the impact of heterogeneity on dissolution regimes using streamlines at multiple length scales

4D multi-scale imaging of reactive flow in carbonates: Assessing the impact of heterogeneity on dissolution regimes using streamlines at multiple length scales

We have experimentally investigated the impact of heterogeneity on the dissolution of two limestones, characterised by distinct degrees of flow heterogeneity at both the pore and core scales. The two rocks were reacted with reservoir-condition CO2-saturated brine at both scales and scanned dynamically during dissolution. First, 1 cm long 4 mm... Read more

Menke H.P; Reynolds C.A.; Andrew M.G.; Pereira Nunes J.P.; Bijeljic B; Blunt M.J.

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