Welcome to the Amira-Avizo Software Use Case Gallery
Below you will find a collection of use cases of our 3D data visualization and analysis software. These use cases include scientific publications, articles, papers, posters, presentations or even videos that show how Amira-Avizo Software is used to address various scientific and industrial research topics.
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This study provides a comprehensive review of tortuosity and its impact on the transport properties of porous media. It discusses the classical theories and equations related to tortuosity for flow, conduction, and diffusion. The study also highlights the evolution of these theories and their connection to methodologies such as tomography and 3D image analysis. In order to clarify the topic, a new classification scheme and nomenclature for different types of tortuosity are proposed. The study... Read more
Holzer, L. *1, Marmet, P. 1, Fingerle, M. 2, Wiegmann, A. 2, Neumann, M. 3, Schmidt, V. 3

High-speed synchrotron X-ray imaging of glass foaming and thermal conductivity simulation
Glass foams are attractive thermal insulation materials, thus, the thermal conductivity (λ) is crucial for their insulating performance. Understanding the foaming process is critical for process optimization. Here, we applied high-speed synchrotron X-ray tomography to investigate the change in pore structure during the foaming process, quantifying the foam structures and porosity dynamically. The results can provide guidance for the manufacturing of glass foams. The 3D pore structures were a... Read more
Martin B. Østergaard, Manlin Zhang, Xiaomei Shen, Rasmus R. Petersen, Jakob König, Peter D. Lee, Yuanzheng Yue, Biao Cai

Nowadays, industrial processes demand materials with specific properties and localized microstructures to improve material performance. To satisfy particular needs, the development of materials with changing mechanical properties and/or microstructures along a preferential direction has been developed. These are called Functional Graded Materials (FGMs). Among these materials, a variation on the porosity along the part is very useful for different industrial applications, such as microfiltrat... Read more
Jorge Sergio Téllez-Martínez, Luis Olmos, Víctor Manuel Solorio-García, Héctor Javier Vergara-Hernández, Jorge Chávez, Dante Arteaga

In recent years, due to the rapid development of industrial lightweight technology, composite materials based on fiber reinforced plastics (FRP) have been widely used in the industry. However, the environmental impact of the FRPs is higher each year. To overcome this impact, co-injection molding could be one of the good solutions. But how to make the suitable control on the skin/core ratio and how to manage the glass fiber orientation features are still significant challenges. In this study, ... Read more
Chao-Tsai Huang, Xuan-Wei Chen, Wei-Wen Fu

Impact of nanopore structure on coal strength
In China’s energy consumption structure, coal is the main energy source, accounting for about 60% of primary energy consumption. Coal is a porous medium with complex pore structures. Nanopore structure in coal particle is the basic underlying factor driving coal particle strength. A better knowledge of nanopore structure – coal particle strength correlation is of great significance for coal mining and other fields of engineering problems.
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Yixin Zhao - Liang Yuan - QuanXue

Our novel procedure of injecting oil after reactive transport has revealed previously unidentified (ghost) regions of partially-dissolved grains of carbonate rock. X-ray micro-tomography and FIB-SEM techniques were used to identify and resolve these ghost regions in three-dimensions at the nm- to µm-scale. Considering the solid part of the ghost regions as macro (bulk) pore space can result in the overestimation of porosity and permeability predi... Read more
Kamaljit Singh , Benaiah U. Anabaraonye , Martin J. Blunt , John Crawshaw

The aim of this paper was to develop a model that can characterize the actual micropore structures in coal and gain an in-depth insight into water’s seepage rules in coal pores under different pressure gradients from a microscopic perspective. To achieve this goal, long-flame coals were first scanned by an X-ray 3D microscope; then, through a representative elementary volume (REV) analysis, the optimal side length was determined to be 60 μm; subsequently, by using Avizo software, the coal ... Read more
Gang Zhou, Lei Qiu, Wenzheng Zhang, and Jiao Xue

Our parametric study shows that increasing the porosity in the spongy layer beyond 10% enhances the effective transport parameters of the spongy layer at an exponential rate, but linearly for the full anode. For the first time, local and global mass transport properties are correlated to the microstructure, which is of wide interest for rationalizing the design optimization of SOFC electrodes and more generally for hierarchical materials in batteries and membranes.
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Xuekun Lu, Oluwadamilola O. Taiwo, Antonio Bertei, Tao Li, Kang Li, Dan J.L. Brett, Paul R.Shearing

Tortuosity in electrochemical devices: a review of calculation approaches
Here, a review of tortuosity calculation procedures applied in the field of electrochemical devices is presented to better understand the resulting values presented in the literature. Visible differences between calculation methods are observed, especially when using porosity–tortuosity relationships and when comparing geometric and flux-based tortuosity calculation approaches.
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Bernhard Tjaden, Dan J. L. Brett, Paul R. Shearing