University of Glasgow uses Amira software to analyze vascular structures

The vascular (arterial or venous) wall is a fascinating structure. At the simplest level, we can think of the wall as being composed of three distinct, but interacting, layers . The vascular wall changes its structure in conditions such as hypertension which can cause a thickening of the wall. Unfortunately, the details of this ‘remodeling’ process are poorly understood.
Therefore, studying the 3D architecture may provide vital clues for future therapeutic targets.
Researcher at the University of Glasgow have been using Amira software since version 2.3 following a demonstration of the software at an event hosted by Silicon Graphics in the Glasgow Science Center. It was clear that the system offered significant advantages over other available software at the time. To this day, Amira software continues to offer unique functionality that is essential to the work-flow in the College of Medical, Veterinary & Life Sciences.