Welcome to the Amira-Avizo Software Use Case Gallery
Below you will find a collection of use cases of our 3D data visualization and analysis software. These use cases include scientific publications, articles, papers, posters, presentations or even videos that show how Amira-Avizo Software is used to address various scientific and industrial research topics.
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Micron-scale crack propagation in laser-irradiated enamel and dentine studied with nano-CT
The aim of this study was to see the effect of Er:YAG laser irradiation in dentine and compare this with its effect in enamel. The mechanism of crack propagation in dentine was emphasised and its clinical implications were discussed. A possible mechanism is that laser radiation is transmitted down the dentinal tubules causing micro-cracks to form in the dentinal tubule walls that tend to be limited to this region. Crack might be a source of fracture as it represents a weak point and subsequen... Read more
Abtesam Aljdaimi, Hugh Devlin, Mark Dickinson, Timothy Burnett, Thomas J. A. Slater

Nonuniformity in ligaments is a structural strategy for optimizing functionality
Ligaments serve as compliant connectors between hard tissues. In that role, they function under various load regimes and directions. The 3D structure of ligaments is considered to form as a uniform entity that changes due to function. The periodontal ligament (PDL) connects the tooth to the bone and sustains different types of loads in various directions. Using the PDL as a model, employing a fabricated motorized setup in a microCT, we demonstrate that the fibrous network structure with... Read more
Gili R. S. Naveh, Jonathan E. Foster, Tomas M. Silva Santisteban, Xianrui Yang, and Bjorn R. Olsen

The aim of this paper was to develop a model that can characterize the actual micropore structures in coal and gain an in-depth insight into water’s seepage rules in coal pores under different pressure gradients from a microscopic perspective. To achieve this goal, long-flame coals were first scanned by an X-ray 3D microscope; then, through a representative elementary volume (REV) analysis, the optimal side length was determined to be 60 μm; subsequently, by using Avizo software, the coal ... Read more
Gang Zhou, Lei Qiu, Wenzheng Zhang, and Jiao Xue

Porous binary Ti-10Mo alloys were prepared using non-spherical titanium, molybdenum powders by the powder metallurgy (PM) space holder technique. Based on the three-dimensional analysis of porosity characteristics, a detailed assessment of the effects of porosity on mechanical properties and corrosion resistances in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) was carried out. For comparison, PM-fabricated CP-Ti with 50.5% porosity sintered at 1200 °C for 2 h and dense Ti-10Mo alloy sintered at 1450 °C ... Read more
Wei Xu, Xin Lu, Bing Zhang, Chengcheng Liu, Shaomin Lv, Shidi Yang and Xuanhui Qu

The flow distribution behaviour of open-cell metallic foam fuel cell flow-fields are evaluated using ex-situ optical analysis and X-ray computed tomography (X-ray CT). Five different manifold designs are evaluated and flow distribution and pressure drop ... Read more
A.Fly, D.Butcher, Q.Meyer, M.Whiteley, A.Spencer, C.Kim, P.R.Shearing, D.J.L.Brett, R.Chen

In this study, chemically bonded phosphate ceramic (CBPC) fiber reinforced composites were made at indoor temperatures. The mechanical properties and microstructure of the CBPC composites were studied. The CBPC matrix of aluminum phosphate binder, metakaolin, and magnesia with different Si/P ratios was prepared. The results show that when the Si/P ratio was 1.2, and magnesia content in the CBPC was 15%, CBPC reached its maximum flexural strength. The fiber reinforced CBPC composites were prep... Read more
Zhu Ding; Yu-Yu Li; Can Lu; Jian Liu

Stochastic reconstruction of carbon fiber paper gas diffusion layers of PEFCs: A comparative study
Fuel cells are electrochemical devices that convert the chemical energy of fuels into electrical energy. An ideal option for a wide variety of portable, stationary, and automotive applications is using the polymer electrolyte
fuel cells due to their modular design, high efficiency, and environmental benefits.
A 3D microstructure of the non-woven gas diffusion layers (GDLs) of polymer electrolyte fuel cells (PEFCs) is reconstructed using a stochastic method. For a commercial GDL, ... Read more
Sepehr Sima Afrookhteh, Jalil Jamali, Mohsen Shakeric, Majid Baniassadi

The microstructure of food affects our sensorial perception, its attractiveness, and the manufactured product’s shelf-life.
Microstructural evolution in soft matter directly influences not only the material’s mechanical and functional properties, but also our perception of that material’s taste. Using synchrotron X-ray tomography and cryo-SEM we investigated the time–temperature evolution of ice cream’s microstructure. This was enabled via three adv... Read more
Enyu Guo, Guang Zeng, Daniil Kazantsev, Peter Rockett, Julian Bent, Mark Kirkland, Gerard Van Dalen, David S. Eastwood, David StJohn and Peter D. Lee

In situ studies of materials for high temperature CO2 capture and storage
Carbon capture and storage (CCS) offers a possible solution to curb the CO2 emissions from stationary sources in the coming decades, considering the delays in shifting energy generation to carbon neutral sources such as wind, solar and biomass.
The most mature technology for post-combustion capture uses a liquid sorbent, amine scrubbing. However, with the existing technology, a large amount of heat is required for the regeneration of the liquid sorbent, which... Read more
Matthew T. Dunstan, Serena A. Maugeri, Wen Liu, Matthew G. Tucker, Oluwadamilola O. Taiwo, Belen Gonzalez, Phoebe K. Allan, Michael W. Gaultois, Paul R. Shearing, David A. Keen, Anthony E. Phillips, Martin T. Dove, Stuart A. Scott, John S. Dennish and Clare P. Grey

Mass transport can significantly limit the rate of reaction and lead to concentration polarization in electrochemical devices, especially under the conditions of high operating current density.
In this study we investigate hierarchically structured micro-tubular solid
oxide fuel cells (MT-SOFC) fabricated by phase inversion technique and quantitatively assess the mass transport and electrochemical performance improvement compared to a conventional tubular SOFC. We present pioneer... Read more
Xuekun Lu, Tao Li, Antonio Bertei, Jason I S Cho , Thomas M.M. Heenan , Rabuni Mohamad, Kang Li, Dan JL Brett, Paul R Shearing

A simple chemical bath deposition is used to coat a complex porous ceramic scaffold with a conformal Ni layer.
The resulting composite is used as a solid oxide fuel cell electrode, and its electrochemical response is measured in humidified hydrogen. X‐ray tomography is used to determine the microstructural characteristics of the uncoated and Ni‐coated porous structure, which include the surface area to total volume, the radial pore size, and the size of the necks between the pores.... Read more
Dr. Enrique Ruiz‐Trejo, Milla Puolamaa, Brian Sum, Dr. Farid Tariq, Dr. Vladimir Yufit, Prof. Nigel P. Brandon

The most common means of fabricating membrane electrode assemblies (MEAs) for polymer electrolyte fuel cells (PEFCs) involves a hot-press step. The conditions used to perform the hot-press impacts the performance and durability of the fuel cell.
However, the hot-press process is not essential for achieving operational MEAs and some practitioners dispense with the hot-press stage altogether by using a self-assembled approach. By performing the integration of the components in-situ durin... Read more
Jennifer Hack, T. M. M. Heenan, F. Iacoviello, N. Mansor, Q. Meyer, P. Shearing, N. Brandon and D. J. L. Brett

Multiphase flow in porous media is strongly influenced by the wettability of the system, which affects the arrangement of the interfaces of different phases residing in the pores.
We present a method for estimating the effective contact angle, which quantifies the wettability and controls the local capillary pressure within the complex pore space of natural rock samples, based on the physical constraint of constant curvature of the interface between two fluids. This algorithm is ... Read more
Alessio Scanziani, Kamaljit Singh, Martin J. Blunt, Alberto Guadagnini

The University of Birmingham uses Avizo software to explore the North Sea as it was 10,000 years ago
The IBM Visual and Spatial Technology Centre (VISTA) specialize in large scale data capture, analysis and visualization for the Arts and Humanities at the University of Birmingham, UK. The VISTA Centre supports interdisciplinary academic research and application development for visualization, spatial analysis and imaging using state-ofthe- art technology.
Avizo software is a fundamental tool that provides new opportunities for data... Read more
IBM Visual and Spatial Technology Centre, Institute of Archaeology, Birmingham Archaeology, University of Birmingham, UK

Unilever uses Avizo software to visualize and understand food and detergent structures
Food and detergent products are composed of complex micro structures. With modern microscopic techniques we can make them visible. The microstructure greatly affects macroscopic properties such as appearance, taste, mouth feel and solubility. Making these structures visible and quantifying them is essential to the development of products with optimal product properties. A broad range of imaging techniques is used to visualize microstructure elements at different length scales. For example, X-... Read more
Gerard van Dalen, Unilever R&D Vlaardingen (The Netherlands)

L4iS uses Avizo software to analyze 3D images from laser ablation tomography
Lasers for Innovative Solutions, LLC (L4iS) is developing a new class of tomography technology with the aim of allowing material characterization in three dimensions with sub-micron resolution. The method uses a nanosecond, Q-switched, pulsed ultraviolet laser coupled with high-resolution imaging to generate highly detailed specimen models. Using this system, sequential images similar to light-sheet fluorescence microscopy are used to digitally reconstruct the specimen.
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Brian Reinhardt and Benjamin Hall, L4iS (USA)

FAMU uses Avizo software to visualize and understand heat transfer and fluid flow
The CHEFF (Computational Heat Fluid Flow) Research group at Florida Agricultural & Mechanical University is using computational fluid dynamics to model flow and heat transfer in various engineering applications for industry, government and the private sector. The primary goal of this research is to first examine and then enhance the thermal performance of current and future low-density reticulated porous media, and explore their use as heat sinks in high power electronics (computer chips... Read more
CHEFF Research Group at Florida Agricultural & Mechanical University: Dr. G.D. Wesson, Professor of Chemical Engineering/Biological Agricultural Systems Engineering, Shawn Austin (Graduate student), Shari Briggs (Graduate student), Mellissa McCole (Graduate student), David Mosley (Graduate student)

The Division of Highway and Railway Engineering, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) promotes advances in computational and experimental science in order to develop new materials, tools and systems for improved mobility, transportation safety and infrastructure durability. The group works on analysis and performance-based design of roads and tracks, management as well as operation and maintenance of roads.
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Denis Jelagin, Alvaro Guarin, Ibrahim Onifade, Nicole Kringos, and Bjorn Birgisson (KTH)

SIK-ISEA uses Avizo software to understand 19th century painting techniques
The characterization of the porosity of ground layers in easel paintings: a first step towards understanding its role in water uptake, reactivity and material transport in 19th and early 20th century paintings. The Swiss Institute for Art Research (SIK-ISEA) is studying the studio practice of Swiss painters of the late 19th early 20th century, the materials they used for their paintings, and the deterioration processes the paintings undergo as they age.
Amongst other issues this study... Read more

A team led by London Centre for Nanotechnology researchers, Prof. Ian Robinson and Dr. Bo Chen (now a professor at the Tongji University, Shanghai) used newly-developed serial block-face scanning electron microscopy (SBFSEM) and Thermo Scientific™ Avizo® Software, one dominant tool in 3D reconstructed image processing, to reveal the spatial structure of human chromosomes and nucleus quantitatively at high resolution of approximately 50 nm in three dimensions.
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Prof. Ian Robinson, Dr. Bo Chen, London Centre for Nechnology, UCL and Tongji University