Welcome to the Amira-Avizo Software Use Case Gallery
Below you will find a collection of use cases of our 3D data visualization and analysis software. These use cases include scientific publications, articles, papers, posters, presentations or even videos that show how Amira-Avizo Software is used to address various scientific and industrial research topics.
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The development of focused ion beam-scanning electron microscopy (FIB-SEM) techniques has allowed high-resolution 3D imaging of nanometre-scale porous materials. These systems are of important interest to the oil and gas sector, as well as for the safe long-term storage of carbon and nuclear waste. This work focuses on validating the accurate representation of sample pore space in FIB-SEM-reconstructed volumes and the predicted permeability of these systems from subsequent single-phase flow s... Read more
Department of Chemical Engineering, Qatar Carbonates and Carbon Storage Research Centre, Imperial College London | Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, Cambridge University

Serial block-face electron microscopy (SBEM) provides nanoscale 3D ultrastructure of embedded and stained cells and tissues in volumes of up to 107 µm3. In SBEM, electrons with 1–3 keV energies are incident on a specimen block, from which backscattered electron (BSE) images are collected with x, y resolution of 5–10 nm in the block-face plane, and successive layers are removed by an in situ ultramicrotome. Sp... Read more
Q. He, M. Hsueh, G. Zhang, D. C. Joy & R. D. Leapman

This paper used the X-ray three-dimensional (3D) microscope and acquired, through CT scanning, the 3D data of the long-frame coal sample from the Daliuta Coal Mine.
Then, the 3D datacube reconstructed from the coal’s CT scanning data was visualized with the use of Avizo, an advanced visualization software. By means of a gray-scale segmentation technique, the model of the coal’s micro-pore structure was extracted from the object region, and the precise characterization was then cond... Read more
Gang Zhou, Qi Zhang, Ruonan Baiand, Guanhua Ni

The tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-1 (TIMP-1) exerts inhibitory activity against matrix metalloproteinases and cytokine-like effects. We previously showed that TIMP-1 reduces neurite outgrowth in mouse cortical neurons and that this cytokine-like effect depends on TIMP-1 endocytosis mediated by the low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein-1 (LRP-1). To gain insight into the interaction between TIMP-1 and LRP-1, we considered conformational changes that occur when a ligand bind... Read more
Laurie Verzeaux, Nicolas Belloy, Jessica Thevenard-Devy, Jérôme Devy, Géraldine Ferracci, Laurent Martiny, Stéphane Dedieu, Manuel Dauchez, Hervé Emonard, Nicolas Etique & Emmanuelle Devarenne-Charpentier

Modelling deformation and fracture in confectionery wafers
The aim of this research is to model the deformation and fracture behaviour of brittle wafers often used in chocolate confectionery products.
Three point bending and compression experiments were performed on beam and circular disc samples respectively to determine the ‘apparent’ stress-strain curves in bending and compression. The deformation of the wafer for both these testing types was observed in-situ within an SEM. The wafer is modelled analytically and numerically as a composi... Read more
Idris K. Mohammeda, Maria N. Charalambides , J. Gordon Williams , John Rasburn

Testing hypotheses for the function of the carnivoran baculum using finite-element analysis
The baculum (os penis) is a mineralized bone within the glans of the mammalian penis and is one of the most morphologically diverse structures in the mammal skeleton. (…) For the first time, to our knowledge, we apply a computational simulation approach (finite-element analysis; FEA) to quantify the three-dimensional biomechanical performance of carnivoran bacula (n = 74) based upon high-resolution micro-computed tomography scans. (…) a highly significant negative relation... Read more
Charlotte A. Brassey, James D. Gardiner, and Andrew C. Kitchener

For many years, SFRPs (short fibre reinforced polyamides) have been used in the automotive industry as a means to reduce vehicle weight. However, their complex anisotropic and heterogeneous microstructure requires sophisticated material characterisation and simulation. This study aims at presenting the simulation strategy adopted by an automotive company address these challenges. The manufacturing process is first simulated and correlated with tomography analysis. Then, based on the numerical... Read more
Pablo Wilson, Peter Heyes

Open-cell foams as structured catalyst supports are promising candidates for the design of high throughput catalytic processes. In this contribution, we employ a coupled numerical and experimental approach to assess the pressure losses in foams. (…) we explore virtually-generated foam models and their 3D printed replicas for a combined CFD and experimental study of fluid dynamics in foams. In particular, we focus our analysis on the low Reynolds number regime, where deviations between t... Read more
Mauro Bracconi, Matteo Ambrosetti, Obinna Okafor, Victor Sans, Xun Zhang, Xiaoxia Ou, Claudio Pereira Da Fonte, Xiaolei Fan, Matteo Maestri, Gianpiero Groppi, Enrico Tronconi

Two-fluid model to simulate metal powder bed fusion additive manufacturing
This paper reports our simulations of the metal powder fusion additive manufacturing process based on a two-fluid model. In simulations of metal behavior in which heat is applied by high-density energy sources (e.g., laser or electron beam), the aspects that need to be correctly modeled include boiling and evaporation, as well as melting and solidification. The potential of the two-fluid model to clarify numerous physical phenomena—deep penetration, plume generation, spatter generation due ... Read more
Noriko WATARI, Yuzuru OGURA, Noriko YAMAZAKI, Yukihiko INOUE, Keisuke KAMITANI, Yasuyuki FUJIYA, Masahiko TOYODA, Saneyuki GOYA, Toshiya WATANABE

The aim of this paper was to develop a model that can characterize the actual micropore structures in coal and gain an in-depth insight into water’s seepage rules in coal pores under different pressure gradients from a microscopic perspective. To achieve this goal, long-flame coals were first scanned by an X-ray 3D microscope; then, through a representative elementary volume (REV) analysis, the optimal side length was determined to be 60 μm; subsequently, by using Avizo software, the coal ... Read more
Gang Zhou, Lei Qiu, Wenzheng Zhang, and Jiao Xue

We have experimentally investigated the impact of heterogeneity on the dissolution of two limestones, characterised by distinct degrees of flow heterogeneity at both the pore and core scales. The two rocks were reacted with reservoir-condition CO2-saturated brine at both scales and scanned dynamically during dissolution. First, 1 cm long 4 mm... Read more
Menke H.P; Reynolds C.A.; Andrew M.G.; Pereira Nunes J.P.; Bijeljic B; Blunt M.J.

Stochastic reconstruction of carbon fiber paper gas diffusion layers of PEFCs: A comparative study
Fuel cells are electrochemical devices that convert the chemical energy of fuels into electrical energy. An ideal option for a wide variety of portable, stationary, and automotive applications is using the polymer electrolyte
fuel cells due to their modular design, high efficiency, and environmental benefits.
A 3D microstructure of the non-woven gas diffusion layers (GDLs) of polymer electrolyte fuel cells (PEFCs) is reconstructed using a stochastic method. For a commercial GDL, ... Read more
Sepehr Sima Afrookhteh, Jalil Jamali, Mohsen Shakeric, Majid Baniassadi

Drying of Corn Kernels: From Experimental Images to Multiscale Multiphysics Modeling
This work demonstrated the importance and feasibility of experimental image
to simulation workflow. The workflow is successfully applied to a food processing study, where multiphysics and multiscale modeling
based on 3D experimental image reconstruction contributes to the preservation of corn, one of the major food sources for the world population.
Corn kernels have a complex structure as they are composed of a pericarp layer outside and contain hard and soft endosperm and ... Read more
Pawan S. Takhar, and Shuang Zhang

Mass transport can significantly limit the rate of reaction and lead to concentration polarization in electrochemical devices, especially under the conditions of high operating current density.
In this study we investigate hierarchically structured micro-tubular solid
oxide fuel cells (MT-SOFC) fabricated by phase inversion technique and quantitatively assess the mass transport and electrochemical performance improvement compared to a conventional tubular SOFC. We present pioneer... Read more
Xuekun Lu, Tao Li, Antonio Bertei, Jason I S Cho , Thomas M.M. Heenan , Rabuni Mohamad, Kang Li, Dan JL Brett, Paul R Shearing

Metal additive manufacturing techniques such as the powder-bed systems are developing as a novel method for producing complex components.
This study uses synchrotron-based X-ray microtomography to investigate porosity in electron beam melted Ti-6Al-4V in the as-built and post-processed state for two different powders. The presence of gas porosity in the starting powder was shown to correlate to porosity in the as-built components. This porosity was observed to shrink after a hot isosta... Read more
Ross Cunningham, Andrea Nicolas, John Madsen, Eric Fodran, Elias Anagnostou, Michael D. Sangid & Anthony D. Rollett

Our parametric study shows that increasing the porosity in the spongy layer beyond 10% enhances the effective transport parameters of the spongy layer at an exponential rate, but linearly for the full anode. For the first time, local and global mass transport properties are correlated to the microstructure, which is of wide interest for rationalizing the design optimization of SOFC electrodes and more generally for hierarchical materials in batteries and membranes.
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Xuekun Lu, Oluwadamilola O. Taiwo, Antonio Bertei, Tao Li, Kang Li, Dan J.L. Brett, Paul R.Shearing

Tortuosity in electrochemical devices: a review of calculation approaches
Here, a review of tortuosity calculation procedures applied in the field of electrochemical devices is presented to better understand the resulting values presented in the literature. Visible differences between calculation methods are observed, especially when using porosity–tortuosity relationships and when comparing geometric and flux-based tortuosity calculation approaches.
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Bernhard Tjaden, Dan J. L. Brett, Paul R. Shearing

Hydraulic properties of porous sintered glass bead systems
In this paper, porous sintered glass bead packings are studied, using X-ray Computed Tomography (XRCT) images at 16μm16μm voxel resolution, to obtain not only the porosity field, but also other properties like particle sizes, pore throats and the permeability. The influence of the sintering procedure and the original particle size distributions on the microstructure, and thus on the hydraulic properties, is analyzed in detail. The XRCT data are visualized and studied by advanced image fil... Read more
University of Twente, Enschede | Ruhr-University Bochum; Eindhoven University of Technology | Helmholtz Institute Erlangen-Nürnberg for Renewable Energy | University of Stuttgart