Welcome to the Amira-Avizo Software Use Case Gallery

Below you will find a collection of use cases of our 3D data visualization and analysis software. These use cases include scientific publications, articles, papers, posters, presentations or even videos that show how Amira-Avizo Software is used to address various scientific and industrial research topics.

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Experimental investigation on the physical-thermal properties of Nanan granite after air and water cooling for deep geothermal heat extraction

Experimental investigation on the physical-thermal properties of Nanan granite after air and water cooling for deep geothermal heat extraction

Deep geothermal resources have been widely acknowledged as an alternative energy so... Read more

Zhennan Zhu, Shengqi Yang, Ren Wang, Jingyu Xie, Nuocheng Tian, Hong Tian, Jun Zheng, Guosheng Jiang, Bin Dou

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Continuum damage micromechanics description of the compressive failure mechanisms in sustainable biocomposites and experimental validation

Continuum damage micromechanics description of the compressive failure mechanisms in sustainable biocomposites and experimental validation

In this study, the researchers investigated the compressive failure mechanisms in flax fiber composites, a promising eco-friendly alternative to synthetic composite materials, through both numerical simulations and experimental analysis. They examined the reasons behind the low compressive strength in comparison to tensile strength, focusing on the compressive-to-tensile strength ratio. A novel thermodynamically consistent continuum damage micromechanics model was introduced to capture the ev... Read more

Vedad Tojaga, Alexandros Prapavesis, Jonas Faleskog, T. Christian Gasser, Aart W. van Vuure, Sören Östlund

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Tortuosity and microstructure effects in porous media: classical theories, empirical data and modern methods

Tortuosity and microstructure effects in porous media: classical theories, empirical data and modern methods

This study provides a comprehensive review of tortuosity and its impact on the transport properties of porous media. It discusses the classical theories and equations related to tortuosity for flow, conduction, and diffusion. The study also highlights the evolution of these theories and their connection to methodologies such as tomography and 3D image analysis. In order to clarify the topic, a new classification scheme and nomenclature for different types of tortuosity are proposed. The study... Read more

Holzer, L. *1, Marmet, P. 1, Fingerle, M. 2, Wiegmann, A. 2, Neumann, M. 3, Schmidt, V. 3

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Nuclear waste viewed in a new light; a synchrotron study of uranium encapsulated in grout

Nuclear waste viewed in a new light; a synchrotron study of uranium encapsulated in grout

How do you characterise the contents of a sealed nuclear waste package without breaking it open?

This question is important when the contained corrosion products are potentially reactive with air and radioactive. Synchrotron X-rays have been used to perform micro-scale in-situ observation and characterisation of uranium encapsulated in grout; a simulation for a typical intermediate level waste storage packet. X-ray tomography and X-ray powder diffraction generated both qualitative and ... Read more

C.A. Stitt, M. Hart, N.J. Harker, K.R. Hallam, J. MacFarlane, A. Banos, C. Paraskevoulakos, E. Butcher, C. Padovani, T.B. Scott

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RF-induced heating in tissue near bilateral DBS implants during MRI at 1.5 T and 3T: The role of surgical lead management

RF-induced heating in tissue near bilateral DBS implants during MRI at 1.5 T and 3T: The role of surgical lead management

Access to MRI is limited for patients with DBS implants due to safety hazards, including radiofrequency heating of tissue surrounding the leads. Computational models provide an exquisite tool to explore the multi-variate problem of RF implant heating. We used a computational approach to assess RF heating around tips of bilateral DBS leads during MRI at 1.5T and 3T using realistic DBS lead models. A substantial difference was found between the SAR and temperature rise at the tip of right and l... Read more

Laleh Golestanirad, John Kirsch, Giorgio Bonmassar, Sean Downs, Behzad Elahi, Alastair Martin, Maria-Ida Iacono, Leonardo M. Angelone, Boris Keil, Lawrence L. Wald, Julie Pilitsis

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High-speed synchrotron X-ray imaging of glass foaming and thermal conductivity simulation

High-speed synchrotron X-ray imaging of glass foaming and thermal conductivity simulation

Glass foams are attractive thermal insulation materials, thus, the thermal conductivity (λ) is crucial for their insulating performance. Understanding the foaming process is critical for process optimization. Here, we applied high-speed synchrotron X-ray tomography to investigate the change in pore structure during the foaming process, quantifying the foam structures and porosity dynamically. The results can provide guidance for the manufacturing of glass foams. The 3D pore structures were a... Read more

Martin B. Østergaard, Manlin Zhang, Xiaomei Shen, Rasmus R. Petersen, Jakob König, Peter D. Lee, Yuanzheng Yue, Biao Cai

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Revealing the mechanisms by which magneto-hydrodynamics disrupts solidification microstructures

Revealing the mechanisms by which magneto-hydrodynamics disrupts solidification microstructures

A key technique for controlling solidification microstructures is magneto-hydrodynamics (MHD), resulting from imposing a magnetic field to solidifying metals and alloys. Applications range from bulk stirring to flow control and turbulence damping via the induced Lorentz force. Over the past two decades the Lorentz force caused by the interaction of thermoelectric currents and a magnetic field, a MHD phenomenon known as Thermoelectric Magnetohydrodynamics (TEMHD), was also shown to drive inter... Read more

B. Cai, A. Kao, E. Boller, O.V. Magdysyuk, R.C. Atwood, N.T. Vo, K. Pericleous, P.D. Lee

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Impact of Pore Tortuosity on Electrode Kinetics in Lithium Battery Electrodes: Study in Directionally Freeze-Cast LiNi0.8Co0.15Al0.05O2 (NCA)

Impact of Pore Tortuosity on Electrode Kinetics in Lithium Battery Electrodes: Study in Directionally Freeze-Cast LiNi0.8Co0.15Al0.05O2 (NCA)

The prevailing electrode fabrication method for lithium-ion battery electrodes includes calendering at high pressures to densify the electrode and promote adhesion to the metal current collector.

However, this process increases the tortuosity of the pore network in the primary transport direction and imposes severe tradeoffs between electrode thickness and rate capability. With the aim of understanding the impact of pore tortuosity on electrode kinetics, and enabling cell designs with ... Read more

Benjamin Delattre, Ruhul Amin, Jonathan Sander, Joël De Coninck, Antoni P. Tomsia and Yet-Ming Chiang

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A three-dimensional heterogeneity analysis of electrochemical energy conversion in SOFC anodes using electron nanotomography and mathematical modeling

A three-dimensional heterogeneity analysis of electrochemical energy conversion in SOFC anodes using electron nanotomography and mathematical modeling

In this paper a fully three dimensional, multiphase, micro-scale solid oxide fuel cellanode transport phenomena numerical model is proposed and verified. The Butler-Volmer model was combined with empirical relations for conductivity and diffusivity – notably the Fuller-Shetler-Giddings equation, and the Fickian modelfor transport of gas reagents. FIB-SEM tomography of a commercial SOFC stack anode was performed and the resulting images were processed to acquire input data. ... Read more

Tomasz A. Prokop, Katarzyna Berent, Hiroshi Iwai, Janusz S.Szmyd, Grzegorz Brus

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A numerical analysis of unsteady transport phenomena in a Direct Internal Reforming Solid Oxide Fuel Cell

A numerical analysis of unsteady transport phenomena in a Direct Internal Reforming Solid Oxide Fuel Cell

Growing popularity and rapid development of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFCs) stem for their potential to become a gamechanger in the field of clean power generation technologies.

In this paper, a transient microstructure-oriented numerical simulation of a planar Direct Internal Reforming Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (DIR-SOFC) is delivered. The performance criteria in a direct steam reforming for a fuel starvation scenario are analyzed in order to optimize the underlying process. The proposed t... Read more

Maciej Chalusiak, Michal Wrobel, Marcin Mozdzierz, Katarzyna Berent, Janusz S. Szmyd, Shinji Kimijima, Grzegorz Brus

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A multi-scale three-dimensional Cellular Automata fracture model of radiolytically oxidised nuclear graphite

A multi-scale three-dimensional Cellular Automata fracture model of radiolytically oxidised nuclear graphite

A multi-scale approach for fracture simulation, based on the Cellular Automata technique, has been developed and then applied to a nuclear graphite that is used in structural components of the UK Advanced Gas-cooled Reactors (AGR).

High resolution X-ray computed tomographs of Gilsocarbon grade
graphite, with up to 68% weight loss by radiolytic oxidation, provide quantitative descriptions of the porosity within its constitutive filler particles and their surrounding matrix. The st... Read more

Yelena Vertyagina, Thomas James Marrow

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Influence of Deformation and Stress between Bone and Implant from Various Bite Forces by Numerical Simulation Analysis

Influence of Deformation and Stress between Bone and Implant from Various Bite Forces by Numerical Simulation Analysis

Endosseous oral implant is applied for orthodontic anchorage in subjects with multiple tooth agenesis. Its effectiveness under orthodontic loading has been demonstrated clinically and experimentally. This study investigates the deformation and stress on the bone and implant for different bite forces by three-dimensional (3D) finite element (FE) methods. A numerical simulation of deformation and stress distributions around implants was used to estimate the survival life for implants. The model... Read more

Hsin-Chung Cheng, Boe-Yu Peng, May-Show Chen, Chiung-Fang Huang, Yi Lin, and Yung-Kang Shen

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Interconnectivity Explains High Canalicular Network Robustness between Neighboring Osteocyte Lacunae in Human Bone

Interconnectivity Explains High Canalicular Network Robustness between Neighboring Osteocyte Lacunae in Human Bone

Osteocytes are the most frequent bone cells connected with each other through cell processes within tiny tubular-shaped canaliculi. The so-called osteocyte lacunar-canalicular network (LCN) plays a crucial role in bone remodeling and mineral homeostasis. Given the critical nature of these functions, it is herein hypothesized that the LCN must be structurally “overengineered” to provide network resilience.

This hypothesis is tested by characterizing canalicular networks in human bon... Read more

Emely Bortel, Liam M Grover, Neil Eisenstein, Christian Seim, Heikki Suhonen, Alexandra Pacureanu, Peter Westenberger, Kay Raum, Max Langer, Francoise Peyrin, Owen Addison, Bernhard Hesse

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Scientists use Avizo to capture the complex dynamics of particle movement in granular materials

Scientists use Avizo to capture the complex dynamics of particle movement in granular materials

Scientists have for the first time captured the complex dynamics of particle movement in granular materials, helping to explain why mixed nuts often see the larger Brazil nuts gather at the top. This phenomenon, known as the ‘Brazil-nut effect’, has huge implications for industries where uneven mixing can critically degrade product quality. The findings could have vital impact on industries struggling with the phenomenon, such as pharmaceuticals and mining.

For th... Read more

Parmesh Gajjar, Chris G. Johnson, James Carr, Kevin Chrispeels, J. M. N. T. Gray & Philip J. Withers

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Pore-scale mechanisms of CO2 storage in oilfields

Pore-scale mechanisms of CO2 storage in oilfields

Rapid implementation of global scale carbon capture and storage is required to limit temperature rises to 1.5 °C this century. Depleted oilfields provide an immediate option for storage, since injection infrastructure is in place and there is an economic benefit from enhanced oil recovery. To design secure storage, we need to understand how the fluids are configured in the microscopic pore spaces of the reservoir rock. We use high-resolution X-ray imaging to study the flow of oil, water and ... Read more

Abdulla Alhosani, Alessio Scanziani, Qingyang Lin, Ali Q. Raeini, Branko Bijeljic & Martin J. Blunt

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Processing and Characterization of Bilayer Materials by Solid State Sintering for Orthopedic Applications

Processing and Characterization of Bilayer Materials by Solid State Sintering for Orthopedic Applications

Nowadays, industrial processes demand materials with specific properties and localized microstructures to improve material performance. To satisfy particular needs, the development of materials with changing mechanical properties and/or microstructures along a preferential direction has been developed. These are called Functional Graded Materials (FGMs). Among these materials, a variation on the porosity along the part is very useful for different industrial applications, such as microfiltrat... Read more

Jorge Sergio Téllez-Martínez, Luis Olmos, Víctor Manuel Solorio-García, Héctor Javier Vergara-Hernández, Jorge Chávez, Dante Arteaga

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Investigation on the Fiber Orientation Distributions and Their Influence on the Mechanical Property of the Co-Injection Molding Products

Investigation on the Fiber Orientation Distributions and Their Influence on the Mechanical Property of the Co-Injection Molding Products

In recent years, due to the rapid development of industrial lightweight technology, composite materials based on fiber reinforced plastics (FRP) have been widely used in the industry. However, the environmental impact of the FRPs is higher each year. To overcome this impact, co-injection molding could be one of the good solutions. But how to make the suitable control on the skin/core ratio and how to manage the glass fiber orientation features are still significant challenges. In this study, ... Read more

Chao-Tsai Huang, Xuan-Wei Chen, Wei-Wen Fu

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Impact of nanopore structure on coal strength

Impact of nanopore structure on coal strength

In China’s energy consumption structure, coal is the main energy source, accounting for about 60% of primary energy consumption. Coal is a porous medium with complex pore structures. Nanopore structure in coal particle is the basic underlying factor driving coal particle strength. A better knowledge of nanopore structure – coal particle strength correlation is of great significance for coal mining and other fields of engineering problems.

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Yixin Zhao - Liang Yuan - QuanXue

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An Anisotropic Microstructure Evolution in a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Anode

An Anisotropic Microstructure Evolution in a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Anode

A solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) is an electrochemical device that converts the chemical energy of hydrogen directly into electricity. A single cell usually has a form of a flat plate in which an impervious and dense ion-conducting electrolyte is sandwiched between two porous catalytic electrodes: an anode and a cathode. Fuel is fed to the anode side, and the air is supplied to the cathode. The gasses cannot mix to avoid unproductive combustion. Instead, gasses hit catalyst material, lose their... Read more

Grzegorz Brus, Hiroshi Iwai, Janusz S. Szmyd

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Three-Dimensional In Situ XCT Characterisation and FE Modelling of Cracking in Concrete

Three-Dimensional In Situ XCT Characterisation and FE Modelling of Cracking in Concrete

An improved understanding of 3D cracking in concrete can be achieved by multiscale experiments and numerical modelling based on realistic microstructures, for the development of materials with higher strength, durability, and fracture resistance.

Three-dimensional (3D) characterisation and modelling of cracking in concrete have been always of great importance and interest in civil engineering. In this study, an in situ microscale X-ray computed tomography (XCT) test was carried out to ... Read more

Wenyuan Ren, Zhenjun Yang, Rajneesh Sharma, Samuel A. McDonald, Paul M. Mummery

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Three-dimensional image based modelling of transport parameters in lithium–sulfur batteries

Three-dimensional image based modelling of transport parameters in lithium–sulfur batteries

An elemental sulfur electrode was imaged with X-ray micro and nano computed tomography and segmented into its constituent phases. Morphological parameters including phase fractions and pore and particle size distributions were calculated directly from labelled image data, and flux based simulations were performed to determine the effective molecular diffusivity of the pore phase and electrical conductivity of the conductive carbon and binder phase, D... Read more

Chun Tan, Matthew D. R. Kok , Sohrab R. Daemi , Daniel J. L. Brett and Paul R. Shearing

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