Welcome to the Amira-Avizo Software Use Case Gallery

Below you will find a collection of use cases of our 3D data visualization and analysis software. These use cases include scientific publications, articles, papers, posters, presentations or even videos that show how Amira-Avizo Software is used to address various scientific and industrial research topics.

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Dynamic changes in endoplasmic reticulum morphology and its contact with the plasma membrane in motor neurons in response to nerve injury

Dynamic changes in endoplasmic reticulum morphology and its contact with the plasma membrane in motor neurons in response to nerve injury

The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) extends throughout a cell and plays a critical role in maintaining cellular homeostasis.
Changes in ER shape could provide a clue to explore the mechanisms that underlie the fate determination of neurons after
axon injury because the ER drastically changes its morphology under neuronal stress to maintain cellular homeostasis and
recover from damage. Because of their tiny structures and richness in the soma, the detailed morphology of the ER and... Read more

Mahmoud Elgendy,Hiromi Tamada, Takaya Taira, Yuma Iio, Akinobu Kawamura, Ayusa Kunogi, Yuka Mizutani, Hiroshi Kiyama

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Multiscale reconstruction of various vessels in the intact murine liver lobe

Multiscale reconstruction of various vessels in the intact murine liver lobe

The liver contains a variety of vessels and participates in miscellaneous physiological functions. While past studies generally focused on certain hepatic vessels, we simultaneously obtained all the vessels and cytoarchitectural information of the intact mouse liver lobe at single-cell resolution. […] providing a technology roadmap for studying the fine hepatic vascular structures and their spatial relationship, which will help research into liver diseases and evaluation of medical effi... Read more

Qi Zhang, Anan Li, Siqi Chen, Jing Yuan, Tao Jiang, Xiangning Li, Qingming Luo,Zhao Feng & Hui Gon

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Comparative Morphology of the Internal Nasal Skeleton of Adult Marsupials Based on X-ray Computed Tomography

Comparative Morphology of the Internal Nasal Skeleton of Adult Marsupials Based on X-ray Computed Tomography

The internal skeleton of the nasal cavity is sporadically and often incompletely described for many marsupial species and mammals in general. Here, I provide an anatomical survey of the ethmoid in the skulls of adult marsupials based on examination of computed tomography (CT) imagery of 29 taxa representing all the major extant groups of marsupials. (…) I compared ecological data with the number of ecto- and endoturbinals as a preliminary test to determine whether some of the interspec... Read more

Thomas E. Macrini

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Morphological evolution and internal strain mapping of pomelo peel using X-ray computed tomography and digital volume correlation

Morphological evolution and internal strain mapping of pomelo peel using X-ray computed tomography and digital volume correlation

Among natural cellular materials, pomelo peels, having a foam-like hierarchical microstructure, represent an ideal model for developing materials with high energy absorption efficiency. In this work, by combining X-ray tomographic imaging technique and digital volume correlation (DVC), in-situ stepwise uniaxial compression tests were performed to quantify the internal morphological evolution and kinematic responses of pomelo peel samples during compression.

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B.Wang, B.Pan, G.Lubineau

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Ambient occlusion – A powerful algorithm to segment shell and skeletal intrapores in computed tomography data

Ambient occlusion – A powerful algorithm to segment shell and skeletal intrapores in computed tomography data

During the last decades, X-ray (micro-)computed tomography has gained increasing attention for the description of porous skeletal and shell structures of various organism groups. However, their quantitative analysis is often hampered by the difficulty to discriminate cavities and pores within the object from the surrounding region. Herein, we test the ambient occlusion (AO) algorithm and newly implemented optimisations for the segmentation of cavities (implemented in the software Amira). (... Read more

J. Titschack, D. Baum, K. Matsuyama, K. Boos, C. Farber, W.-A. Kahl, K. Ehrig, D. Meinel, C. Soriano, S.R. Stock

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RF-induced heating in tissue near bilateral DBS implants during MRI at 1.5 T and 3T: The role of surgical lead management

RF-induced heating in tissue near bilateral DBS implants during MRI at 1.5 T and 3T: The role of surgical lead management

Access to MRI is limited for patients with DBS implants due to safety hazards, including radiofrequency heating of tissue surrounding the leads. Computational models provide an exquisite tool to explore the multi-variate problem of RF implant heating. We used a computational approach to assess RF heating around tips of bilateral DBS leads during MRI at 1.5T and 3T using realistic DBS lead models. A substantial difference was found between the SAR and temperature rise at the tip of right and l... Read more

Laleh Golestanirad, John Kirsch, Giorgio Bonmassar, Sean Downs, Behzad Elahi, Alastair Martin, Maria-Ida Iacono, Leonardo M. Angelone, Boris Keil, Lawrence L. Wald, Julie Pilitsis

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Impact of Pore Tortuosity on Electrode Kinetics in Lithium Battery Electrodes: Study in Directionally Freeze-Cast LiNi0.8Co0.15Al0.05O2 (NCA)

Impact of Pore Tortuosity on Electrode Kinetics in Lithium Battery Electrodes: Study in Directionally Freeze-Cast LiNi0.8Co0.15Al0.05O2 (NCA)

The prevailing electrode fabrication method for lithium-ion battery electrodes includes calendering at high pressures to densify the electrode and promote adhesion to the metal current collector.

However, this process increases the tortuosity of the pore network in the primary transport direction and imposes severe tradeoffs between electrode thickness and rate capability. With the aim of understanding the impact of pore tortuosity on electrode kinetics, and enabling cell designs with ... Read more

Benjamin Delattre, Ruhul Amin, Jonathan Sander, Joël De Coninck, Antoni P. Tomsia and Yet-Ming Chiang

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Human Motor Thalamus Reconstructed in 3D from Continuous Sagittal Sections with Identified Subcortical Afferent Territories

Human Motor Thalamus Reconstructed in 3D from Continuous Sagittal Sections with Identified Subcortical Afferent Territories

Classification and delineation of the motor-related nuclei in the human thalamus have been the focus of numerous discussions for a long time. Difficulties in finding consensus have for the most part been caused by paucity of direct experimental data on connections of individual nuclear entities. Kultas-Ilinsky et al. (2011, J Comp Neurol, 519:2811-2837) showed that distribution of the isoform 65 of glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD65), the enzyme that synthesizes inhibitory neurotransmitt... Read more

Igor Ilinsky, Andreas Horn, Perrine Paul-Gilloteaux, Pierre Gressens, Catherine Verney, Kristy Kultas-Ilinsky

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Porous Metal–Organic Frameworks for Enhanced Performance Silicon Anodes in Lithium-Ion Batteries

Porous Metal–Organic Frameworks for Enhanced Performance Silicon Anodes in Lithium-Ion Batteries

Maintaining the physical integrity of electrode microstructures in Li-ion batteries is critical to significantly extend their cycle life. This is especially important for high-capacity anode materials such as silicon, whose operational volume expansion exerts huge internal stress within the anode, resulting in electrode destruction and capacity fade. In this study, we demonstrate that by incorporating metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) with carboxylate organic linkers into Si-based anodes, a s... Read more

Romeo Malik, Melanie. J. Loveridge, Luke J. Williams, Qianye Huang, Geoff West, Paul R. Shearing, Rohit Bhagat, Richard I. Walton

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Organism motility in an oxygenated shallow-marine environment 2.1 billion years ago

Organism motility in an oxygenated shallow-marine environment 2.1 billion years ago

Evidence for macroscopic life in the Paleoproterozoic Era comes from 1.8 billion-year-old (Ga) compression fossils [Han TM, Runnegar B (1992) Science 257:232–235; Knoll et al. (2006) Philos Trans R Soc Lond B 361:1023–1038],  Stirling biota [Bengtson S et al. (2007) Paleobiology 33:351–381], and large colonial organisms exhibiting signs of coordinated growth from the 2.1-Ga Francevillian series, Gabon. Here we report on pyritized string-shaped structures from... Read more

Abderrazak El Albani, M. Gabriela Mangano, Luis A. Buatois, Stefan Bengtson, Armelle Riboulleau, Andrey Bekker, Kurt Konhauser, Timothy Lyons, Claire Rollion-Bard, Olabode Bankole, Stellina Gwenaelle Lekele Baghekema, Alain Meunier, Alain Trentesaux, Arnaud Mazurier, Jeremie Aubineau, Claude Laforest, Claude Fontaine, Philippe Recourt, Ernest Chi Fru, Roberto Macchiarelli, Jean Yves Reynaud, François Gauthier-Lafaye, and Donald E. Canfield

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A fully integrated, three-dimensional fluorescence to electron microscopy correlative workflow

A fully integrated, three-dimensional fluorescence to electron microscopy correlative workflow

While fluorescence microscopy provides tools for highly specific labeling and sensitive detection, its resolution limit and lack of general contrast has hindered studies of cellular structure and protein localization. Recent advances in correlative light and electron microscopy (CLEM), including the fully integrated CLEM workflow instrument, the Thermo Scientific CorrSight with MAPS, have allowed for a more reliable, reproducible, and quicker approach to correlate three-dimensional time-lapse... Read more

Claudia S. Lopez, Cedric Bouchet-Marquis, Christopher P. Arthur, Jessica L. Riesterer, Gregor Heiss, Guillaume Thibault, Lee Pullan, Sunjong Kwon, Joe W. Gray

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3D electron tomography of brain tissue unveils distinct Golgi structures that sequester cytoplasmic contents in neurons

3D electron tomography of brain tissue unveils distinct Golgi structures that sequester cytoplasmic contents in neurons

Macroautophagy is morphologically characterized by autophagosome formation. Autophagosomes are double-membraned vesicles that sequester cytoplasmic components for further degradation in the lysosome. Basal autophagy is paramount for intracellular quality control in post-mitotic cells but, surprisingly, the number of autophagosomes in post-mitotic neurons is very low, suggesting that alternative degradative structures could exist in neurons…

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Maria Rosario Fernandez-Fernandez, Desire Ruiz-Garcia, Eva Martin-Solana, Francisco Javier Chichon, Jose L. Carrascosa, Jose-Jesus Fernandez

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Patient-specific anatomical model for deep brain stimulation based on 7 Tesla MRI

Patient-specific anatomical model for deep brain stimulation based on 7 Tesla MRI

Deep brain stimulation (DBS) requires accurate localization of the anatomical target structure, and the precise placement of the DBS electrode within it. Ultra-high field 7 Tesla (T) MR images can be utilized to create patient-specific anatomical 3D models of the subthalamic nuclei (STN) to enhance pre-surgical DBS targeting as well as post-surgical visualization of the DBS lead position and orientation. We validated the accuracy of the 7T imaging-based patient-specific model of the STN and m... Read more

Yuval Duchin, Reuben R. Shamir, Remi Patriat, Jinyoung Kim, Jerrold L. Vitek, Guillermo Sapiro, Noam Harel

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Influenza A matrix protein M1 is sufficient to induce lipid membrane deformation

Influenza A matrix protein M1 is sufficient to induce lipid membrane deformation

The matrix protein M1 of the Influenza A virus is considered to mediate viral assembly and budding at the plasma membrane (PM) of infected cells. In order for a new viral particle to form, the PM lipid bilayer has to bend into a vesicle towards the extracellular side. Studies in cellular models have proposed that different viral proteins might be responsible for inducing membrane curvature in this context (including M1), but a clear consensus has not been reached. In this study, we use a comb... Read more

Ismail Dahmani, Kai Ludwig, Salvatore Chiantia

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Multiple membrane extrusion sites drive megakaryocyte migration into bone marrow blood vessels

Multiple membrane extrusion sites drive megakaryocyte migration into bone marrow blood vessels

Platelets, cells central to hemostasis and thrombosis, are formed from parent cell megakaryocytes. Although the process is highly efficient in vivo, our ability to generate them in vitro is still remarkably inefficient. We proposed that greater understanding of the process in vivo is needed and used an imaging approach, intravital correlative light electron microscopy, to visualize platelet generation in bone marrow in the living mouse. In contrast to current understanding, we found that most... Read more

Edward Brown, Leo M Carlin, Claus Nerlov, Cristina Lo Celso, Alastair W Poole

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The Architecture of Traveling Actin Waves Revealed by Cryo-Electron Tomography

The Architecture of Traveling Actin Waves Revealed by Cryo-Electron Tomography

Actin waves are dynamic supramolecular structures involved in cell migration, cytokinesis, adhesion, and neurogenesis. Although wave-like propagation of actin networks is a widespread phenomenon, the actin architecture underlying wave propagation remained unknown. In situ cryo-electron tomography of Dictyostelium cells unveils the wave architecture and provides evidence for wave progression by de novo actin nucleation. Subtomogram averaging reveals the structu... Read more

Marion Jasnin, Florian Beck, Mary Ecke, Yoshiyuki Fukuda, Antonio Martinez-Sanchez, Wolfgang Baumeister, Günther Gerisch

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Morphology of mitochondria in spatially restricted axons revealed by cryo-electron tomography

Morphology of mitochondria in spatially restricted axons revealed by cryo-electron tomography

Neurons project axons to local and distal sites and can display heterogeneous morphologies with limited physical dimensions that may influence the structure of large organelles such as mitochondria. Using cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET), we characterized native environments within axons and presynaptic varicosities to examine whether spatial restrictions within these compartments influence the morphology of mitochondria. Segmented tomographic reconstructions revealed distinctive morphologi... Read more

Tara D. Fischer, Pramod K. Dash, Jun Liu, M. Neal Waxham

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C. elegans chromosomes connect to centrosomes by anchoring into the spindle network

C. elegans chromosomes connect to centrosomes by anchoring into the spindle network

The mitotic spindle ensures the faithful segregation of chromosomes. Here we combine the first large-scale serial electron tomography of whole mitotic spindles in early C. elegans embryos with live-cell imaging to reconstruct all microtubules in 3D and identify their plus- and minus-ends. We classify them as kinetochore (KMTs), spindle (SMTs) or astral microtubules (AMTs) according to their positions, and quantify distinct properties of each class. While our light microscopy and muta... Read more

Stefanie Redemann, Johannes Baumgart, Norbert Lindow, Michael Shelley, Ehssan Nazockdast, Andrea Kratz, Steffen Prohaska, Jan Brugués, Sebastian Fürthauer & Thomas Müller-Reichert

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High-resolution characterization of centriole distal appendage morphology and dynamics by correlative STORM and electron microscopy

High-resolution characterization of centriole distal appendage morphology and dynamics by correlative STORM and electron microscopy

Centrioles are vital cellular structures that form centrosomes and cilia. The formation and function of cilia depends on a set of centriole’s distal appendages. In this study, we use correlative super resolution and electron microscopy to precisely determine where distal appendage proteins localize in relation to the centriole microtubules and appendage electron densities. Here we characterize a novel distal appendage protein ANKRD26 and detail, in high resolution, the initial steps of dist... Read more

Mathew Bowler, Dong Kong, Shufeng Sun, Rashmi Nanjundappa, Lauren Evans, Veronica Farmer, Andrew Holland, Moe R. Mahjoub, Haixin Sui & Jadranka Loncarek

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Soluble tubulin is locally enriched at mitotic centrosomes in C. elegans

Soluble tubulin is locally enriched at mitotic centrosomes in C. elegans

During mitosis, the centrosome expands its capacity to nucleate microtubules. Understanding the mechanisms of centrosomal microtubule nucleation is, however, constrained by a lack of knowledge of the amount of soluble and polymer tubulin at mitotic centrosomes. Here we combined light microscopy and serial-section electron tomography to measure the amount of dimer and polymer at mitotic centrosomes in early C. elegans embryos. We show that a C. elegans one-cell stage centrosome at metaphase co... Read more

Johannes Baumgart, Marcel Kirchner, Stefanie Redemann, Jeffrey Woodruff, Jean-Marc Verbavatz, Frank Julicher, Anthony Hyman, Thomas Mueller-Reichert, Jan Brugues

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Microtubule organization within mitotic spindles revealed by serial block face scanning electron microscopy and image analysis

Microtubule organization within mitotic spindles revealed by serial block face scanning electron microscopy and image analysis

Serial block face scanning electron microscopy (SBF-SEM) is a powerful method to analyze cells in 3D. Here, working at the resolution limit of the method, we describe a correlative light–SBF-SEM workflow to resolve microtubules of the mitotic spindle in human cells. We present four examples of uses for this workflow that are not practical by light microscopy and/or transmission electron microscopy. First, distinguishing closely associated microtubules within K-fibers; second, resolving brid... Read more

Faye M. Nixon, Thomas R. Honnor, Nicholas I. Clarke, Georgina P. Starling, Alison J. Beckett, Adam M. Johansen, Julia A. Brettschneider, Ian A. Prior, Stephen J. Royle

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