Welcome to the Amira-Avizo Software Use Case Gallery

Below you will find a collection of use cases of our 3D data visualization and analysis software. These use cases include scientific publications, articles, papers, posters, presentations or even videos that show how Amira-Avizo Software is used to address various scientific and industrial research topics.

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Investigating microstructure evolution of lithium metal during plating and stripping via operando X-ray tomographicmicroscopy

Investigating microstructure evolution of lithium metal during plating and stripping via operando X-ray tomographicmicroscopy

Li metal is considered as the most important negative electrode active material for Li-based batteries because of its high theoretical specific capacity of 3860mAh g-1, which is an order of magnitude higher than the currently used graphite, and by being the most electropositive metal. When coupled with high-capacity cathodes, either Li insertion materials or conversion chemistries, or applied in a solid-sate configuration, a leap in energy density can be obtained. The main challenge in the di... Read more

Matthew Sadd, Shizhao Xiong, Jacob R. Bowen, Federica Marone, Aleksandar Matic

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Tortuosity and microstructure effects in porous media: classical theories, empirical data and modern methods

Tortuosity and microstructure effects in porous media: classical theories, empirical data and modern methods

This study provides a comprehensive review of tortuosity and its impact on the transport properties of porous media. It discusses the classical theories and equations related to tortuosity for flow, conduction, and diffusion. The study also highlights the evolution of these theories and their connection to methodologies such as tomography and 3D image analysis. In order to clarify the topic, a new classification scheme and nomenclature for different types of tortuosity are proposed. The study... Read more

Holzer, L. *1, Marmet, P. 1, Fingerle, M. 2, Wiegmann, A. 2, Neumann, M. 3, Schmidt, V. 3

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Electrochemical recovery of lithium-ion battery materials from molten salts by microstructural characterization using X-ray imaging

Electrochemical recovery of lithium-ion battery materials from molten salts by microstructural characterization using X-ray imaging

Recycling spent lithium-ion batteries (LiBs) guarantees the conservation of important metal resources by reducing demands on raw supply and offsetting the energy and environmental costs associated with its manufacture. Employing a molten salt as a solvent for extraction affords a much greener and simpler route to metal recovery by electrochemical means. The current mechanistic understanding of the electrochemical recovery of metals in molten salts needs to be improved for the process to be op... Read more

Mateen Mirza, Wenjia Du, Lara Rasha, Steven Wilcock, Arfon H. Jones, Paul R. Shearing, Dan J.L. Brett

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Preclinical Evaluation of 203/212Pb-Labeled Low-Molecular-Weight Compounds for Targeted Radiopharmaceutical Therapy of Prostate Cancer

Preclinical Evaluation of 203/212Pb-Labeled Low-Molecular-Weight Compounds for Targeted Radiopharmaceutical Therapy of Prostate Cancer

Targeted radiopharmaceutical therapy (TRT) using α-particle radiation is a promising approach for treating both large and micrometastatic lesions. Researchers developed prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA)–targeted low-molecular-weight agents for 212Pb-based TRT of patients with prostate cancer (PC) by evaluating the matching γ-emitting surrogate.

Targeted radiopharmaceutical therapy using α-particles (α-TRTs), which cause deposition of ionizing radiation of high-linear-ener... Read more

Sangeeta Ray Banerjee, Il Minn, Vivek Kumar, Anders Josefsson, Ala Lisok, Mary Brummet, Jian Chen, Ana P. Kiess, Kwamena Baidoo, Cory Brayton, Ronnie C. Mease, Martin Brechbiel, George Sgouros, Robert F. Hobbs, and Martin G. Pomper

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Nuclear waste viewed in a new light; a synchrotron study of uranium encapsulated in grout

Nuclear waste viewed in a new light; a synchrotron study of uranium encapsulated in grout

How do you characterise the contents of a sealed nuclear waste package without breaking it open?

This question is important when the contained corrosion products are potentially reactive with air and radioactive. Synchrotron X-rays have been used to perform micro-scale in-situ observation and characterisation of uranium encapsulated in grout; a simulation for a typical intermediate level waste storage packet. X-ray tomography and X-ray powder diffraction generated both qualitative and ... Read more

C.A. Stitt, M. Hart, N.J. Harker, K.R. Hallam, J. MacFarlane, A. Banos, C. Paraskevoulakos, E. Butcher, C. Padovani, T.B. Scott

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Cryo-STEM mapping of solid–liquid interfaces and dendrites in lithium-metal batteries

Cryo-STEM mapping of solid–liquid interfaces and dendrites in lithium-metal batteries

Solid–liquid interfaces are important in a range of chemical, physical and biological processes but are often not fully understood owing to the lack of high-resolution characterization methods that are compatible with both solid and liquid components. For example, the related processes of dendritic deposition of lithium metal and the formation of solid–electrolyte interphase layers are known to be key determinants of battery safety and performance in high-energy-density lithium-metal bat... Read more

Michael J. Zachman, Zhengyuan Tu, Snehashis Choudhury, Lynden A. Archer & Lena F. Kourkoutis

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A numerical analysis of unsteady transport phenomena in a Direct Internal Reforming Solid Oxide Fuel Cell

A numerical analysis of unsteady transport phenomena in a Direct Internal Reforming Solid Oxide Fuel Cell

Growing popularity and rapid development of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFCs) stem for their potential to become a gamechanger in the field of clean power generation technologies.

In this paper, a transient microstructure-oriented numerical simulation of a planar Direct Internal Reforming Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (DIR-SOFC) is delivered. The performance criteria in a direct steam reforming for a fuel starvation scenario are analyzed in order to optimize the underlying process. The proposed t... Read more

Maciej Chalusiak, Michal Wrobel, Marcin Mozdzierz, Katarzyna Berent, Janusz S. Szmyd, Shinji Kimijima, Grzegorz Brus

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Microstructural evolution and deformation behavior of Al-Cu alloys: A Transmission X-ray Microscopy (TXM) and micropillar compression study

Microstructural evolution and deformation behavior of Al-Cu alloys: A Transmission X-ray Microscopy (TXM) and micropillar compression study

A unique approach to correlating an evolving 3D microstructure in an Al-Cu alloyand its micro-scale mechanical properties has been introduced. Using these nanoscale three-dimensional microstructures derived from Transmission X-rayMicroscopy (TXM), individual contributions from different strengthening mechanisms were quantified. The spatial distribution and morphology of the individual θ′ and θ phases were seen to play an important role in influencing dislocation storage. Uniaxi... Read more

C. Shashank Kaira, Christopher Kantzos, Jason J. Williams, Vincent De Andrade, Francesco De Carlo, Nikhilesh Chawlaa

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Porous Metal–Organic Frameworks for Enhanced Performance Silicon Anodes in Lithium-Ion Batteries

Porous Metal–Organic Frameworks for Enhanced Performance Silicon Anodes in Lithium-Ion Batteries

Maintaining the physical integrity of electrode microstructures in Li-ion batteries is critical to significantly extend their cycle life. This is especially important for high-capacity anode materials such as silicon, whose operational volume expansion exerts huge internal stress within the anode, resulting in electrode destruction and capacity fade. In this study, we demonstrate that by incorporating metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) with carboxylate organic linkers into Si-based anodes, a s... Read more

Romeo Malik, Melanie. J. Loveridge, Luke J. Williams, Qianye Huang, Geoff West, Paul R. Shearing, Rohit Bhagat, Richard I. Walton

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Paleozoic Nymphal Wing Pads Support Dual Model of Insect Wing Origins

Paleozoic Nymphal Wing Pads Support Dual Model of Insect Wing Origins

The appearance of wings in insects, early in their evolution [1], has been one of the more critical innovations contributing to their extraordinary diversity. Despite the conspicuousness and importance of wings, the origin of these structures has been difficult to resolve and represented one of the “abominable mysteries” in evolutionary biology [2]. More than a century of debate has boiled the matter down to two competing alternatives—one of wings representing an extension of the thorac... Read more

Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, Charles University, Praha, Czech Republic and al.

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Exploring confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) and fluorescence staining as a tool for imaging and quantifying traces of marine microbioerosion and their trace-making microendoliths

Exploring confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) and fluorescence staining as a tool for imaging and quantifying traces of marine microbioerosion and their trace-making microendoliths

Microscopic organisms that penetrate calcareous structures by actively dissolving the carbonate matrix, namely microendoliths, have an important influence on the breakdown of marine carbonates.

Microscopic organisms that penetrate calcareous structures by actively dissolving the carbonate matrix, namely microendoliths, have an important influence on the breakdown of marine carbonates. The study of these microorganisms and the bioerosion traces they produce is crucial for understanding ... Read more

Philipp-Konrad Schätzle, Max Wisshak, Andreas Bick, André Freiwald, Alexander Kieneke

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Ovipositor of the braconid wasp Habrobracon hebetor: structural and functional aspects

Ovipositor of the braconid wasp Habrobracon hebetor: structural and functional aspects

The Braconidae are a megadiverse and ecologically highly important group of insects. The vast majority of braconid wasps are parasitoids of other insects, usually attacking the egg or larval stages of their hosts. The ovipositor plays a crucial role in the assessment of the potential host and precise egg laying. We used lightand electron-microscopic techniques to investigate all inherent cuticular elements of the ovipositor (the female 9th abdominal tergum, two pairs of valvifers, and three p... Read more

Michael Csader, Karin Mayer, Oliver Betz, Stefan Fischer, Benjamin Eggs

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Protocols for Generating Surfaces and Measuring 3D Organelle Morphology Using Amira

Protocols for Generating Surfaces and Measuring 3D Organelle Morphology Using Amira

High-resolution 3D images of organelles are of paramount importance in cellular biology. Although light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) have provided the standard for imaging cellular structures, they cannot provide 3D images.

However, recent technological advances such as serial block-face scanning electron microscopy (SBF-SEM) and focused ion beam scanning electron microscopy (FIB-SEM) provide the tools to create 3D images for the ultrastructural analysis of org... Read more

Edgar Garza-Lopez, Zer Vue, Prasanna Katti, Kit Neikirk, Michelle Biete, Jacob Lam, Heather K. Beasley, Andrea G. Marshall, Taylor A. Rodman, Trace A. Christensen, Jeffrey L. Salisbury, Larry Vang, Margaret Mungai, Salma Ash Shareef, Sandra A. Murray, Jianqiang Shao, Jennifer Streeter, Brian Glancy, Renata O. Pereira1, E. Dale Abel, and Antentor Hinton, Jr.

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Optical tissue clearing and machine learning can precisely characterize extravasation and blood vessel architecture in brain tumors

Optical tissue clearing and machine learning can precisely characterize extravasation and blood vessel architecture in brain tumors

Precise methods for quantifying drug accumulation in brain tissue are currently very limited, challenging the development of new therapeutics for brain disorders. Transcardial perfusion is instrumental for removing the intravascular fraction of an injected compound, thereby allowing for ex vivo assessment of extravasation into the brain. However, pathological remodeling of tissue microenvironment can affect the efficiency of transcardial perfusion, which has been largely overlooked.

We... Read more

Serhii Kostrikov, Kasper B. Johnsen, Thomas H. Braunstein, Johann M. Gudbergsson, Frederikke P. Fliedner, Elisabeth A. A. Obara, Petra Hamerlik, Anders E. Hansen, Andreas Kjaer, Casper Hempel & Thomas L. Andresen

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Patient-specific anatomical model for deep brain stimulation based on 7 Tesla MRI

Patient-specific anatomical model for deep brain stimulation based on 7 Tesla MRI

Deep brain stimulation (DBS) requires accurate localization of the anatomical target structure, and the precise placement of the DBS electrode within it. Ultra-high field 7 Tesla (T) MR images can be utilized to create patient-specific anatomical 3D models of the subthalamic nuclei (STN) to enhance pre-surgical DBS targeting as well as post-surgical visualization of the DBS lead position and orientation. We validated the accuracy of the 7T imaging-based patient-specific model of the STN and m... Read more

Yuval Duchin, Reuben R. Shamir, Remi Patriat, Jinyoung Kim, Jerrold L. Vitek, Guillermo Sapiro, Noam Harel

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A detailed canine brain label map for neuroimaging analysis

A detailed canine brain label map for neuroimaging analysis

Dogs have recently become an important model species for comparative social and cognitive neuroscience. Brain template-related label maps are essential for functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data analysis, to localize neural responses. In this study, we present a detailed, individual-based, T1-weighted MRI-based brain label map used in dog neuroimaging analysis. Methods: A typical, medium-headed dog (a 7.5-year-old
male Golden Retriever) was selected from a cohort of ... Read more

Czeibert Kálmán, Andics Attila, Petneházy Örs, Kubinyi Enikő, Kálmán Czeibert

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High-resolution mapping of brain vasculature and its impairment in the hippocampus of Alzheimer’s disease mice

High-resolution mapping of brain vasculature and its impairment in the hippocampus of Alzheimer’s disease mice

Accumulating evidence indicates the critical importance of cerebrovascular dysfunction in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). However, systematic comparative studies on the precise brain vasculature of wild-type and AD model mice are still rare. Using an image optimization method for analyzing Micro-Optical Sectioning Tomography (MOST) data, we generated cross-scale whole-brain 3D atlases that cover the entire vascular system from large vessels down to smallest capillaries at ... Read more

Xiaochuan Zhang, Xianzhen Yin, Jingjing Zhang, Anan Li, Hui Gong, Qingming Luo, Haiyan Zhang, Zhaobing Gao, Hualiang Jiang

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Distribution of Serotonin-Immunoreactive Neurons in the Brain and Gnathal Ganglion of Caterpillar Helicoverpa armigera

Distribution of Serotonin-Immunoreactive Neurons in the Brain and Gnathal Ganglion of Caterpillar Helicoverpa armigera

Serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT) is an important biogenic amine that acts as a neural circuit modulator. It is widespread in the central nervous system of insects. However, little is known about the distribution of serotonin in the nervous system of the cotton bollworm Helicoverpa armigera. In the present study, we performed immunohistochemical experiments with anti-serotonin serum to examine the distribution of serotonin in the central nervous system of H. armigera larv... Read more

Qing-Bo Tang, Wei-Wei Song, Ya-Jun Chang, Gui-Ying Xie, Wen-Bo Chen* and Xin-Cheng Zhao

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Precise Cerebral Vascular Atlas in Stereotaxic Coordinates of Whole Mouse Brain

Precise Cerebral Vascular Atlas in Stereotaxic Coordinates of Whole Mouse Brain

Understanding amazingly complex brain functions and pathologies requires a complete cerebral vascular atlas in stereotaxic coordinates. Making a precise atlas for cerebral arteries and veins has been a century-old objective in neuroscience and neuropathology. Using micro-optical sectioning tomography (MOST) with a modified Nissl staining method, we acquired five mouse brain data sets containing arteries, veins, and microvessels. Based on the brain-wide vascular spatial structures and brain re... Read more

Benyi Xiong, Anan Li, Yang Lou, Shangbin Chen, Ben Long, Jie Peng, Zhongqin Yang, Tonghui Xu, Xiaoquan Yang, Xiangning Li, Tao Jiang, Qingming Luo and Hui Gong

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Membrane architecture of pulmonary lamellar bodies revealed by post-correlation on-lamella cryo-CLEM

Membrane architecture of pulmonary lamellar bodies revealed by post-correlation on-lamella cryo-CLEM

Lamellar bodies (LBs) are surfactant rich organelles in alveolar type 2 cells. LBs disassemble into a lipid-protein network that reduces surface tension and facilitates gas exchange at the air-water interface in the alveolar cavity. Current knowledge of LB architecture is predominantly based on electron microscopy studies using disruptive sample preparation methods. We established a post-correlation on-lamella cryo-correlative light and electron microscopy approach for cryo-FIB milled lung ce... Read more

Steffen Klein, Benedikt H. Wimmer, Sophie L. Winter, Androniki Kolovou, Vibor Laketa, Petr Chlanda

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3D Dissection of Structural Membrane-Wall Contacts in Filamentous Moss Protonemata

3D Dissection of Structural Membrane-Wall Contacts in Filamentous Moss Protonemata

Cell-to-cell contact is essential for communication and development of multicellular organisms. A prerequisite is the passage through membranes. That way, molecular exchange and information flow is regulated via hormones, membrane proteins and pores.
In plants, the rigid cell walls prevent large membrane contact areas between protoplasts. Only plasmodesmata, minute channels between adjacent cells, form direct connections. Often, molecular data of the proteins involved are manifold but t... Read more

Dominik Harant and Ingeborg Lang

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