Welcome to the Amira-Avizo Software Use Case Gallery

Below you will find a collection of use cases of our 3D data visualization and analysis software. These use cases include scientific publications, articles, papers, posters, presentations or even videos that show how Amira-Avizo Software is used to address various scientific and industrial research topics.

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Protocols for Generating Surfaces and Measuring 3D Organelle Morphology Using Amira

Protocols for Generating Surfaces and Measuring 3D Organelle Morphology Using Amira

High-resolution 3D images of organelles are of paramount importance in cellular biology. Although light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) have provided the standard for imaging cellular structures, they cannot provide 3D images.

However, recent technological advances such as serial block-face scanning electron microscopy (SBF-SEM) and focused ion beam scanning electron microscopy (FIB-SEM) provide the tools to create 3D images for the ultrastructural analysis of org... Read more

Edgar Garza-Lopez, Zer Vue, Prasanna Katti, Kit Neikirk, Michelle Biete, Jacob Lam, Heather K. Beasley, Andrea G. Marshall, Taylor A. Rodman, Trace A. Christensen, Jeffrey L. Salisbury, Larry Vang, Margaret Mungai, Salma Ash Shareef, Sandra A. Murray, Jianqiang Shao, Jennifer Streeter, Brian Glancy, Renata O. Pereira1, E. Dale Abel, and Antentor Hinton, Jr.

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The molecular basis for sarcomere organization in vertebrate skeletal muscle

The molecular basis for sarcomere organization in vertebrate skeletal muscle

Sarcomeres are force-generating and load-bearing devices of muscles. A precise molecular picture of how sarcomeres are built underpins understanding their role in health and disease. Here, we determine the molecular architecture of native vertebrate skeletal sarcomeres by electron cryo-tomography.

Our reconstruction reveals molecular details of the three-dimensional organization and interaction of actin and myosin in the A-band, I-band, and Z-disc and demonstrates that α-actinin cros... Read more

Zhexin Wang, Michael Grange, Thorsten Wagner, Ay Lin Kho, Mathias Gautel, Stefan Raunser

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Automatic whole cell organelle segmentation in volumetric electron microscopy

Automatic whole cell organelle segmentation in volumetric electron microscopy

Cells contain hundreds of different organelle and macromolecular assemblies intricately organized relative to each other to meet any cellular demands. Obtaining a complete understanding of their organization is challenging and requires nanometer-level, three-dimensional reconstruction of whole cells. Even then, the immense size of datasets and large number of structures to be characterized requires generalizable, automatic methods.

To meet this challenge, we developed an analy... Read more

Larissa Heinrich, Davis Bennett, David Ackerman, Woohyun Park, John Bogovic, View ORCID ProfileNils Eckstein, Alyson Petruncio, Jody Clements, C. Shan Xu, Jan Funke, Wyatt Korff, Harald F. Hess, Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz, Stephan Saalfeld, Aubrey V. Weigel, COSEM Project Team

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Imaging Fibroblast Activation Protein Alpha Improves Diagnosis of Metastatic Prostate Cancer with Positron Emission Tomography

Imaging Fibroblast Activation Protein Alpha Improves Diagnosis of Metastatic Prostate Cancer with Positron Emission Tomography

Malignant cells are surrounded by a complex and supportive tumor microenvironment that consists of immune cells, extracellular matrix, vasculature, and fibroblasts. Cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAF) are the major cell type in the reactive stroma and are known to promote tumorigenesis and metastasis. Fibroblast activation protein alpha (FAP) is a transmembrane serine protease expressed by CAFs in the microenvironment of epithelial tumors.

Meta-analysis of FAP expression and clinical ... Read more

Hallie M. Hintz, Joseph P. Gallant, Donald J. Vander Griend, Ilsa M. Coleman, Peter S. Nelson and Aaron M. LeBeau

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Interconnectivity Explains High Canalicular Network Robustness between Neighboring Osteocyte Lacunae in Human Bone

Interconnectivity Explains High Canalicular Network Robustness between Neighboring Osteocyte Lacunae in Human Bone

Osteocytes are the most frequent bone cells connected with each other through cell processes within tiny tubular-shaped canaliculi. The so-called osteocyte lacunar-canalicular network (LCN) plays a crucial role in bone remodeling and mineral homeostasis. Given the critical nature of these functions, it is herein hypothesized that the LCN must be structurally “overengineered” to provide network resilience.

This hypothesis is tested by characterizing canalicular networks in human bon... Read more

Emely Bortel, Liam M Grover, Neil Eisenstein, Christian Seim, Heikki Suhonen, Alexandra Pacureanu, Peter Westenberger, Kay Raum, Max Langer, Francoise Peyrin, Owen Addison, Bernhard Hesse

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Optical tissue clearing and machine learning can precisely characterize extravasation and blood vessel architecture in brain tumors

Optical tissue clearing and machine learning can precisely characterize extravasation and blood vessel architecture in brain tumors

Precise methods for quantifying drug accumulation in brain tissue are currently very limited, challenging the development of new therapeutics for brain disorders. Transcardial perfusion is instrumental for removing the intravascular fraction of an injected compound, thereby allowing for ex vivo assessment of extravasation into the brain. However, pathological remodeling of tissue microenvironment can affect the efficiency of transcardial perfusion, which has been largely overlooked.

We... Read more

Serhii Kostrikov, Kasper B. Johnsen, Thomas H. Braunstein, Johann M. Gudbergsson, Frederikke P. Fliedner, Elisabeth A. A. Obara, Petra Hamerlik, Anders E. Hansen, Andreas Kjaer, Casper Hempel & Thomas L. Andresen

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The development of a high throughput drug-responsive model of white adipose tissue comprising adipogenic 3T3-L1 cells in a 3D matrix

The development of a high throughput drug-responsive model of white adipose tissue comprising adipogenic 3T3-L1 cells in a 3D matrix

Adipose models have been applied to mechanistic studies of metabolic diseases (such as diabetes) and the subsequent discovery of new therapeutics. However, typical models are either insufficiently complex (2D cell cultures) or expensive and labor intensive (mice/in vivo). To bridge the gap between these models and in order to better inform pre-clinical studies we have developed a drug-responsive 3D model of white adipose tissue (WAT).

Here, spheroids (680 ± 60 μm) comp... Read more

Alexander D Graham, Rajesh Pandey, Viktoriya S Tsancheva, Alessia Candeo, Stanley W Botchway, Alasdair J Allan, Lydia Teboul4, Kamel Madi, Tahkur S Babra, Louisa A K Zolkiewski, Xuan Xue, Liz Bentley, Joan Gannon, Sam N Olof and Roger D Cox

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Optical Resolution Photoacoustic Microscopy of Ovary and Fallopian Tube

Optical Resolution Photoacoustic Microscopy of Ovary and Fallopian Tube

Ovarian cancer is the leading cause of death among gynecological cancers, but is poorly amenable to preoperative diagnosis. In this study, we investigate the feasibility of “optical biopsy,” using high-optical-resolution photoacoustic microscopy (OR-PAM) to quantify the microvasculature of ovarian and fallopian tube tissue. The technique is demonstrated using excised human ovary and fallopian tube specimens imaged immediately after surgery.
This report describes the first applicatio... Read more

Bin Rao, Xiandong Leng, Yifeng Zeng, Yixiao Lin, Ruimin Chen, Qifa Zhou, Andrea R. Hagemann, Lindsay M. Kuroki, Carolyn K. McCourt, David G. Mutch, Matthew A. Powell, Ian S. Hagemann & Quing Zhu

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Nanoscale state-of-charge heterogeneities within polycrystalline nickel-rich layered oxide cathode materials

Nanoscale state-of-charge heterogeneities within polycrystalline nickel-rich layered oxide cathode materials

Nickel-rich transition metal oxide materials […] are of great interest for achieving immediate improvements in the energy density of Li-ion batteries and for risk reduction within the Li-ion battery supply chain.
[…] An increase in Ni content in NMC materials leads to accelerated degradation […]. This potentially complicates their adoption in applications requiring extended cycle life such as in electric vehicles.

Recent developments in X-ray characterization to... Read more

ChunTan, Andrew S.Leach, Thomas M.M. Heenan, Huw Parks, Rhodri Jervis, Johanna Nelson Weker, Daniel J.L. Brett, Paul R.Shearing

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In situ x-ray computed tomography of zinc–air primary cells during discharge: correlating discharge rate to anode morphology

In situ x-ray computed tomography of zinc–air primary cells during discharge: correlating discharge rate to anode morphology

Given the urgent need to move to low-carbon technologies, batteries are being increasingly used in a range of applications. Lithium-ion batteries are the most widely used chemistry, but to meet the growing demand, there is a need to move beyond lithium towards alternative battery chemistries. Metal–air batteries are a group of such battery alternatives that hold promise, especially for stationary power and flexible electronics applications.

However, barriers to their widespread adopt... Read more

Jennifer Hack, Drasti Patel, Josh J Bailey, Francesco Iacoviello, Paul R Shearing, and Dan J L Brett

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Integrative Imaging Reveals SARS-CoV-2-Induced Reshaping of Subcellular Morphologies

Integrative Imaging Reveals SARS-CoV-2-Induced Reshaping of Subcellular Morphologies

Cortese et al. use integrative imaging techniques to generate a publicly available repository of morphological alterations induced by SARS-CoV-2 in lung cells. Accumulation of ER-derived double-membrane vesicles, the viral replication organelle, occurs concomitantly with cytoskeleton remodeling and Golgi fragmentation. Pharmacological alteration of cytoskeleton dynamics restricts viral replication and spread.

Pathogenesis induced by SARS-CoV-2 is thought to result from both an inflamma... Read more

Mirko Cortese, Ji-Young Lee, Berati Cerikan, ..., Laurent Chatel-Chaix, Yannick Schwab, Ralf Bartenschlager

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Loss of adult skeletal muscle stem cells drives age-related neuromuscular junction degeneration

Loss of adult skeletal muscle stem cells drives age-related neuromuscular junction degeneration

Neuromuscular junction degeneration is a prominent aspect of sarcopenia, the age-associated loss of skeletal muscle integrity. Previously, we showed that muscle stem cells activate and contribute to mouse neuromuscular junction regeneration in response to denervation (Liu et al., 2015). Here, we examined gene expression profiles and neuromuscular junction integrity in aged mouse muscles, and unexpectedly found limited denervation despite a high level of degenerated neuromuscular junctions. In... Read more

Wenxuan Liu, Alanna Klose, Sophie Forman, Nicole D Paris, Lan Wei-LaPierre, Mariela Cortés-Lopéz, Aidi Tan, Morgan Flaherty, Pedro Miura, Robert T Dirksen, Joe V Chakkalakal

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Impact of physical confinement on nuclei geometry and cell division dynamics in 3D spheroids

Impact of physical confinement on nuclei geometry and cell division dynamics in 3D spheroids

Multicellular tumour spheroids are used as a culture model to reproduce the 3D architecture, proliferation gradient and cell interactions of a tumour micro-domain. However, their 3D characterization at the cell scale remains challenging due to size and cell density issues. In this study, we developed a methodology based on 3D light sheet fluorescence microscopy (LSFM) image analysis and convex hull calculation that allows characterizing the 3D shape and orientation of cell nuclei relative to ... Read more

Annaïck Desmaison, Ludivine Guillaume, Sarah Triclin, Pierre Weiss, Bernard Ducommun & Valérie Lobjois

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Hyperpolarized 13C MR metabolic imaging can detect neuroinflammation in vivo in a multiple sclerosis murine model

Hyperpolarized 13C MR metabolic imaging can detect neuroinflammation in vivo in a multiple sclerosis murine model

Proinflammatory mononuclear phagocytes (MPs) play a crucial role in the progression of multiple sclerosis (MS) and other neurodegenerative diseases. Despite advances in neuroimaging, there are currently limited available methods enabling noninvasive detection of MPs in vivo. Interestingly, upon activation and subsequent differentiation toward a proinflammatory phenotype MPs undergo metabolic reprogramming that results in increased glycolysis and production of lactate. Hyperpolarized (HP) Read more

Caroline Guglielmetti, Chloé Najac, Alessandro Didonna, Annemie Van der Linden, Sabrina M. Ronen, and Myriam M. Chaumeil

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Insights into data with the KAUST Visualization Core Lab

Insights into data with the KAUST Visualization Core Lab

Through collaboration, the KAUST Visualization Core Lab (KVL) team augments the efforts and domain expertise of KAUST researchers by providing complimentary technical knowledge with exploratory visualization and analytic tools.

KVL’s multi-year collaboration with KAUST Distinguished Professor P. Magistretti and research scientist C. Calì’s KAUST-EPFL Alliance for Integrative Modelling of Brain Energy Metabolism project—itself a collaboration with the Swiss Blue Br... Read more

By the KAUST Visualization Core Lab team and Caitlin Clark

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Using micro-computed tomography to reveal the anatomy of adult Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Insecta: Hemiptera, Liviidae) and how it pierces and feeds within a citrus leaf

Using micro-computed tomography to reveal the anatomy of adult Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Insecta: Hemiptera, Liviidae) and how it pierces and feeds within a citrus leaf

The Asian citrus psyllid (ACP), Diaphorina citri, is a harmful pest of citrus trees that transmits Candidatus Liberibacter spp. which causes Huanglongbing (HLB) (citrus greening disease); this is considered to be the most serious bacterial disease of citrus plants.

Here we detail an anatomical study of the external and internal anatomy (excluding the reproductive system) using micro-computed tomography (micro-CT). This is the first complete 3D micro-CT reconstruction o... Read more

Javier Alba-Tercedor, Wayne B. Hunter & Ignacio Alba-Alejandre

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Regional Aneurysm Wall Enhancement is Affected by Local Hemodynamics: A 7T MRI Study

Regional Aneurysm Wall Enhancement is Affected by Local Hemodynamics: A 7T MRI Study

Aneurysm wall enhancement has been proposed as a biomarker for inflammation and instability. However, the mechanisms of aneurysm wall enhancement remain unclear. We used 7T MR imaging to determine the effect of flow in different regions of the wall.

Twenty-three intracranial aneurysms imaged with 7T MR imaging and 3D angiography were studied with computational fluid dynamics. Local flow conditions were compared between aneurysm wall enhancement and nonenhanced regions. Aneurysm wall en... Read more

S. Hadad, F. Mut, B.J. Chung, J.A. Roa, A.M. Robertson, D.M. Hasan, E.A. Samaniego and J.R. Cebral

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Quantified growth of the human embryonic heart

Quantified growth of the human embryonic heart

The size and growth patterns of the components of the human embryonic heart have remained largely undefined.

To provide these data, three-dimensional heart models were generated from immunohistochemically stained sections of ten human embryonic hearts ranging from Carnegie stage 10 to 23. Fifty-eight key structures were annotated and volumetrically assessed. Sizes of the septal foramina and atrioventricular canal opening were also measured. The heart grows exponentially throughout embr... Read more

Jaeike W. Faber, Jaco Hagoort, Antoon F. M. Moorman, Vincent M. Christoffels, Bjarke Jensen

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3D electron tomography of brain tissue unveils distinct Golgi structures that sequester cytoplasmic contents in neurons

3D electron tomography of brain tissue unveils distinct Golgi structures that sequester cytoplasmic contents in neurons

Macroautophagy is morphologically characterized by autophagosome formation. Autophagosomes are double-membraned vesicles that sequester cytoplasmic components for further degradation in the lysosome. Basal autophagy is paramount for intracellular quality control in post-mitotic cells but, surprisingly, the number of autophagosomes in post-mitotic neurons is very low, suggesting that alternative degradative structures could exist in neurons…

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Maria Rosario Fernandez-Fernandez, Desire Ruiz-Garcia, Eva Martin-Solana, Francisco Javier Chichon, Jose L. Carrascosa, Jose-Jesus Fernandez

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Patient-specific anatomical model for deep brain stimulation based on 7 Tesla MRI

Patient-specific anatomical model for deep brain stimulation based on 7 Tesla MRI

Deep brain stimulation (DBS) requires accurate localization of the anatomical target structure, and the precise placement of the DBS electrode within it. Ultra-high field 7 Tesla (T) MR images can be utilized to create patient-specific anatomical 3D models of the subthalamic nuclei (STN) to enhance pre-surgical DBS targeting as well as post-surgical visualization of the DBS lead position and orientation. We validated the accuracy of the 7T imaging-based patient-specific model of the STN and m... Read more

Yuval Duchin, Reuben R. Shamir, Remi Patriat, Jinyoung Kim, Jerrold L. Vitek, Guillermo Sapiro, Noam Harel

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A detailed canine brain label map for neuroimaging analysis

A detailed canine brain label map for neuroimaging analysis

Dogs have recently become an important model species for comparative social and cognitive neuroscience. Brain template-related label maps are essential for functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data analysis, to localize neural responses. In this study, we present a detailed, individual-based, T1-weighted MRI-based brain label map used in dog neuroimaging analysis. Methods: A typical, medium-headed dog (a 7.5-year-old
male Golden Retriever) was selected from a cohort of ... Read more

Czeibert Kálmán, Andics Attila, Petneházy Örs, Kubinyi Enikő, Kálmán Czeibert

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